[Est. 1-31-28] Published Daily Exqept Saturday and Sunday ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MfRCH 3, 1879 THE TRYON DAILY The World’s Smallest daily Newspaper.Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol. 25—No. 268 TRYON, N. C. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1952 [5c Per Copy] Weather Thursday: High 68, low 27, Rel. Hum. 28; Friday high 70, low 32, Rel. Hum. 30; Saturday high 75, low 35, Rel Hum. 30; Sunday high 81. low 34, Rel. Hum. 33 . . . Rainfall for October 1.97. Very dry . . . ONE VOTE gave Oliver Cromwell con trol of England, made Thomas Jefferson, John Quincy Adams and Rutherford B. Hayes President; brought Texas into the Union; made France a republic, gave the Unted States Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Texas. ONE VOTE* bejiead «^Charles I and saved Andrew liaison from impeachment. YOUR ^PTE COUNTS, In Tryon the polling place has been changed to the school house. Vote early and avoid delay. The Tryon Boy Scuiits have done a good job by hanging paper liberty bells on door knobs, urging people to vote . . . The Parish paper of the Episcopal Church of the Advent, Spartan burg, reports that the Rev. Chas. J„ MeGavern of Tryon will be the speaker at the supper meet ing of the Men’s Club, Wednesday, November 5th, at 7 o’clock. Anoth er item reported that Mary Kim McElhenny was born Oct. 15th to Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. McElhen ny. Little Mary Kim is a great granddaughter of the late Sftia tor J. C. Fisher of Tryon. ! FREE TRIPS TO POLLS As a public service, Pierce-Wil son Motor Co., Prather Chevrolet Co., and Donald Motor Co., -will offer free transportation to the polls if needed on election day. “We have undertaken this pro gram because we feel strongly about the duty and privilege of the ballot. As franchised new car deal ers, we are local businessmen able to offer mobility to this city. We’re close enough to the people of Try on to believe that if we offer trans portation we’ll make this election day a record-breaking one.” Every car and all personnel will be made available on Nov. 4 to make transportation to the polls a real community service. “We have no intention of in fluencing a single vote . . . Our slo gan is ‘vote as you please, but VOTE’.” If you are eligible to vote and need transportation, phone: Pierce Wilson Motor Co. 217, 64; Prather Chevrolet Co.. 256; Donald Motor Co., 139. ’HUGH WARD ! Funeral services for Hugh Ward, 55, Saluda merchant, who died Saturday afternoon in a Hender sonville hospital, will be held at 3 p. m., Monday in the Mount Page Baptist Church. The Rev. G. Beddingfield and the Rev. F. M. Huggins will of ficiate, and burial will be in the church cemetery. Pallbearers: John and Simp Thompson, Glenn,. Walter and Burgie Pace, and Lollie Fisher. Ward, a native of Saluda, was the only son of Mrs. Minnie Lee Davis Ward and the late Charles Ward. He was a member of the _Continued On Back Page