Published Daily Except [Est. 1-31-28]Saturday and Sunday[5c Per Copy] ENTLRED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 THE TRYON DAILY BULLETIN The World's Smallest daily Newspaper.Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol. 25—No. 270 TRYON, N. C. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 5th, 1952 Weather Tuesday: High 70, low 40, Rel. Hum. 30 . . . Congratu lations to all winners from Con stable to President. The people have expressed their confidence in you and we know you will not be tray that trust. A man who mis uses his office betrays a trust and is disloyal to friends and party Let us work together for better government for when laws are made they apply to us as well as the other fellow. Betty Furness helped Minter Barber out at va rious times during the Westing house television accounts of the election returns .... The,, Con gregational Fellowship Grpdp will tonight at 7 ... . Mrs. . dflah Fjsher, Mrs. B. B. Hester and Miss Anne Hart have return ed from Charlotte where they at tended the Piedmont Beauty For um classes in hair styling, cutting and tinting under some of the world’s famous artists including Michell of Paris, William of Chicago, Laura Meredith of New York and Perc Westmore of Holly wood .... Over 5,000 votes were cast in the election in Pdlk Coun ty. That’s almost half the popu lation and should be tops in per centage of voting. Earthquake in Pacific makes tidal wave reach Hawaii 3,500 miles away. It was a 13 ft. wall of water. Republicans Win Nation, Democrats County, State General Dwight D. Eisenhower, Republican, won the presidential election Tuesday over Democrat Governor Adelai E. Stevenson by approximately 25 to 21 million votes. Late returns indicate the Republicans also win control over Senate and House by close mar gins. At last report only Democrat states listed are North Carolina, Siouth Carolina, Alabama, Arkan sas and Mississippi. Chas. R. Jonas, Republican, was elected to congress over Hamilton C. Jones, first North Carolina Re publican congressman since 1928. All other state officers are Demo crats. Umstead for governor re ceived about 100,000 majority over Republican Seawell. Stevenson won Tryon precinct 1065 to 859. In Polk County the Democrats won all county offices by close margins. Claude Ballenger for Register of Deeds won over C. R. Bradley; G. W. Pearson for Sur veyor -won over A. G. McMurray. A tabulated report will be given as soon as the official returns are announced. R. E. Brantley for i legislature with 2,657 votes was high man over Seay with 2,360 votes; Fred Placak, Republican [ candidate for commissioner had 2,479 votes and was high man for his party, but not high enough to defeat Demus Chapman with 2,639 and Troy Durham with 2,652. Paul Westbrook 2,396. There will probably be some slight changes as the result of voters putting ballots in wrong boxes but not enough to change the results. Dock Wilson, Republican Con stable won in White Oak over Hubert Russell 321 to 221.