[Est. 1-31-28] Published, Daily Except Saturday and Sunday [5c Per Copy] ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 THE TRYOI DAILY BULLETIN The World’s Smallest DAILY Newspaper.Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol. 25—No. 273 TRYON, N. C. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1952 Curb Reporter Weather Friday: High 63, low 40, Rel. Hum. 31; Saturday high 59, low 25, Rel. Hum. 35; Sunday high 68, low 28, Rel. Hum. 30. Exactly 30 days with no rain; Jfey little humidity. Please be \^eful with fire and water, says Weatherman Creasman . . . Major General Samuel D. Sturgis J.r, son of Mrs. Samuel Sturgis of Tryon, and brother of Mrs. Betty Steiner, has been named the new chief of the Army Engineers. He is at present commander of the rcommunication zone in Europe . . . Philip Murray, neaa, aiea Sunday. . . . Nolan Ramsey of Co lumbus and Mary Ann Turner of Landrum are in Spartanburg Gen eral Hospital . . . Landrum Masons will have anntfal stockholders meeHne Tuesday at 7:30 . . . One of Tryon’s most beloved citizens, Miss Jane D. Cushing. 86, a native of Bath, Maine, died Saturday at Melrose Lodge where she had been a winter resident for over ?0 years. Interment will be at ^jkih. Maine.' A funeral service be held here, probably Wed rvwdav, nending the arrival of Mrs. Hull, the former Mrs. Vincent Astor, a pupil of Miss Cushing when she was a member of the faculty'of the Dobbs Ferry School. Miss Oushinv and her inend and associate, Miss Alvs Thompson, "'ho survives, have been coming to Trvon together for about 22 years and took an active interest in the welfare op the community. . . . .. T?ov Skipper, 30, is in Spartanburg hospital as result of injuries re ceived when his 1940 Ford couoe left the hiehway near McDowell’s store on No. 9 and crashed into John Smith’s house. The house was pushed 6 inches off the foundation __Continued from Pa&e One_ COLUMBUS COUNCILMAN DIES OF WRECK INJURIES Alderman Thomas W. Owens, 31, died Sunday at 7:05 p. m., at St. Luke’s Hospital in Tryon of injuries received in an automo bile accident near Columbus on Wednesday night. Mr. Owens, a member of Corum bus City Council, was co-owner of Shell Service Station in Columbus. He was born and reared in the Peniel section of Polk County. He was a son ox John F. and Mary Hall Owens. Surviving besides his parents are his wife, Mrs. Lillie Page Owens, formerly of Landrum; a daughter, Janice Owens, of Colum j bus; three brothers, Ralph, of Peoria, 111., Herbert and Norris Owens of Tryon R-l; two sisters, Mrs. Joe Gibbs, of Morganton and Miss Louise Owens of Tryon R-L Funeral services will be held Tuesday at 3 p. m., at the Colum bus Baptist Church with the Rev. LeRoy D. Leppard, the Rev. Homer E. Bradey, and the Rev. Broadus Belue officiating. Interment in church cemetery. The body will ! be placed in the church at 2 p. m. I Petty Funeral Home of Landrum j is in charge of arrangements. R. B. DUSENBURY Ross B. Dusenbury died Sunday night at Fairview Nursing Home, near Hendersonville, after a long illnesu. He retired to Tryon six years ago after being engaged in business in Michigan most of his life. Hb would have been 73 on November 10 th. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Grace Y. Dusenbury of Tryon; two sons, George A. Dusenbury, Try on and Charles Y. Dusenbury of .. Continued on Page Two_