Published Daily Except [Est. 1-31-28]Saturday and Sunday[5c Per Copy] ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 THE TIIYIU DAILY BlILLETII The World’8 Smallest daily Newspaper.Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol. 25—No. 274 TRYON, N. C. TUESDAY, NOV. 11TH, 1952 Weather Monday: High 61, low 49, rain .04, Rel. Hum. 87 . . . This i nice drizzle is good for the lawn and hundreds of shrubs. Let it drizzle and rain. The earth is starving for water . . . Christmas is in the atmosphere. You can tell it by the advertising in The Bul letin. It’s only about seven weeks now.All the women are excited about two big events on Wednesday: The St. Agnes Guild Bazaar which opens at 11 at the Parish House and the Avant Elec tric Co., Cooking School which opens at 9:3Cf at Tryon school auditorium. This will be two days for the benefit of those who can’t attend the first day. Another f^r00 W1 held Thursday \_jprning at 9:30. Prizes are to be given away .... Tryon Xiwanis C'ub meets today at 1 p. m., and will see a film called “The Ameri can Harvest” showing the convert ing of our raw materials into the finished products. . . . The Lions flub also meets at Oak Hall to day. No report jon the program. "The Lion calendar reports birth days today, Armistice Day, for Mrs. Paul Culberson, Frank B. Fdwards and Estelle G. Brown. . . Dr. George F. Taylor address the annual meeting of the Spartanburg Chapter of the Red Cross today at Trinity Methodist Church . . . . Trygve Lie has resigned as secre _Continued on Back Page_ Held By Coroner’s Jury Royall Fowler, Tryon poet and driver of the English make auto mobile which wrecked last Wed nesday and fatally injured Thom ^as W. Owens, 31, of Columbus, was bound over to the Polk County Superior Court Monday night by a Coroner’s Jury. The accident happened on High way 108 between Hatch Mill and Midway Church. Highway Patrol man W. R. Boyles stated Monday that he had interviewed Fowler in St. Luke’s Hospital where he is a patient as a result of the wreck, and that Fowler stated the steer ing mechanism of the car went wrong and caused him to lose con trol of the car. Owens, Columbus Town Council man, and business man died Sun day night at St. Luke’s Hospital. He was a veteran of World War II, a member of the W. 0. W. and of the Columibus Baptist Church. Funeral services will be held Tuesday at 3 p. m., at the Columbus Baptist Church. Coroner Otis Dalton, who swore [ out a warrant before Magistrate Monte Dedman, stated that Fowler is charged with manslaughter and will be held under $2,000 bond for his appearance at the January term of the Polk County Superior Court. Serving on the Cororier’s Jury were Richard Davidson, Charlie Gosnell, Roy Dalton, Earl Porter, Lonnie Foster and Willie Spurlin. Patrolman Boyles stated that Owen’s death was the third high way fatality in Polk County this year. Since World War II the unmber of vegetable gardens on farms has decreased.