Published Daily Except [Est. 1-31-28]Saturday a/nd Sunday[5c Per Copy] ENTL'RED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE __AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 THE Tli\ll\ DAILY BULLETIN The World’s Smallest daily Newspaper.Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol. 25—No. 275 TRYON, N. C. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 12, 1952 Weather: No official report. Ap- j proximately one-third inch of rain fell during 24 hours in this area. .... The Christmas Bazaar is underway today at the Episcopal Parish House with visitors from neighboring communities looking over the many nice things made by the women of St. Agnes Guild for charity and church work . . . The Cooking School sponsored by ] Avant Electric Co., at the Tryon school auditorium drew a large crowd Wednesday morning and an other is expected Thursday morn ing at 10. All women of ths area are invited ... A big fire at -?^mpoDeiio aDout o a,, m., Tuesday Q%troyed the Perry Store and 9; H. Bishop Garage . . . Miss Marlene McSwain of Landrum R-l, Polk County, will leave soon for her free trip to Chicago to attend National 4-H Club Congress and ihe National Livestock Exposition as a guest of the Piedmont Inter state Fair . . . Mrs. Gaden Cor nening, Mrs. Peter Mahler, Mrs. Seth M. Vining and Pro Ted Fox of the Trvon Country Club went to Asheville Tuesday to an organ izational meeting of the Western Carolina Women’s Golf Association at the Asheville Country Club. They represented the Tryon Wo men’s Golf Association. Other clubs in the associaton include Hendersonville, Greenville, Ashe .Continued On' Back Page_. HONOR COURT MONDAY The Polk County Boy Scout Court of Honor will be held Mon day night, Nov. 17th, at 7:45 at the Tryon school. The Scouter roundtable district committee din ner meeting will be held at 6:30 in the school cafeteria. At the last court Lloyd Carlson Jr., and George Patton of Try on Troop 1, and Jerry Barnette, Benny Smith and George Wall of Troop 3, were advanced to Tender foot rank. Joe Dalton of Troop 1, Tryon was advanced to First Class. First Class Scout Dalton also told about the new method of ar tificial respiration. Executive R. M. Schiele told of the important work Scouts do in ' getting out the votes and urged as many local Scouts as possible to attend the National Jamboree. OFF FOR INDUCTION Polk County men leaving Wed nesday morning for induction in the Armed Forces include John Robert Roddy, Troy Albert Dur ham, Alvin E. Stott, Calvin Har ris Jr., Roland Glenn Conner. Rev. H. A. Pruyn of the Tryon Methodist Church served as chap lain and distributed prayer books and crosses. Mrs. M. L. Thompson represented the Home Friendly Club and served coffee and toast. Cigarettes were furnished by the Lions Club. TWO EVENTS AT MIDWAY A returned missionary from China will speak Sunday morning, Nov. 16th, at 11, at Midway Bap tist Church. Public invited. At 2 p. m., the regular singing convention will be held. All singers and the public are invited to this program also.