[Est. 1-31-28] Published Daily Except Saturday and Sunday [5c Per Copy] ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE _AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 THE TRYOAI DIM BULLETIN The World’s Smallest daily Newspaper. Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol. 25—No. 280 TRYON, N. C. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 19 1952 Weather Tuesday: High 72., low 38, Rel. Hum. 46 . . . Men are in vited, too, today at 2:30 to the Garden Club meeting at the Con gregational Church House. Mrs. Bradley Morrah will speak on ways and means to increase Tryon’s Beauty .... President Truman and General Eisenhower held a conference Tuesday making plans for transfer of government from ‘.he Democrats to the Republcans with the least inconvenience to all and for the welfare of the nation. Half a million people wel comed General Ike to the capital. Mrs. Eisenhower went to Walter R,ped Hospital for check-up . . . . continues in Korea. Baxter Haynes and Jules Feder won second place, North South in the master point tourna ment at Spartanburg Monday. Judge Harry Moore, 16, ot Mew | Jersey died Tuesday of a heart ! attack while driving hs automo- | bile. ! When the Tryon Tigers play Clyde High School here Friday right at 7:30, five Seniors will be wearing the blue and gold for the last time on the gridiron. These boys are Wallace Lankford, cap tain and blocking back; Jim Cow an. captain and right tackle; Lyle Dorow, left end; Hugh Hines, right end; and Gay Corpening, center. Kiwanians Hear 4-H’ers Joe K. Davis had charge of the Tryon Kiwanis Club program on Tuesday at 1 p. m., at Oak Hall hotel and presented some leaders of the county 4-H Club program, including Miss Elizabeth Wright, assistant home agent. Miss Wright told of the general theme and pur pose of the organizaton. Winners of the Home Beautifi cation contest sponsored by the Tryon Kiwanis Club were Bill and Joe Bowers, tied for first place; Miss Dorothy Searcy for second place and Miss Marlene McSwain for third place. Each told of his achievement in making hi« home more attractive, planting flowers, lawn, building walls, moving road ways and walks, pruning and cleaning up and repairing the prop erty in genera1. Miss McSwain is one of the top 4-H Club calf own ers in the countv and has won a free trip to the International Livestock Exposition in Chicago this month. She also played the piano for the Kiwanians in the absence of Craig Thomas who was in Massachusetts. The Rev. H. A. Pruyn was in ducted into the membership of the club by Holland Brady, chairman of the membership committee. Rupert Koch of Hendersonville was a guest of the club. Polk County men attending the Boy Scouter Round-up meeting at Gardner-Webb College Tuesday were County Chairman R. C. Bur nett, B.~B. Flynn, Holland Brady Jr., Rev. T. C. Bailey, Dr. Gordon N. Graham, Rev. Henry O. Hearn, Douglas Roper, J. T. Arledge, K. A. Bowen, Elbert H. Arledge, Nel son Jackson, and Mrs. Jackson.