[Eat. 1-31-28] Published Daily Except Saturday and Sunday [5c Per Copy} ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 THE TETON DAILY BULLETIN The World’8 Smallest daily Newspaper.Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol. 25—No. 281 TRYON, N. C. THURSDAY, NOV. 20TH. 1952 Weather Wednesday: High 63, ! low 53, rain .46 inch before 5 I p. m.; Rel. Hum. 90 . . . Ashe- j ville had almost an inch by 5 p. j m. Probably Tryon will show as much in tomorrow’s paper .... “Hats off, the flag is—” See the new U. S. flag on the flag pole. A group of patriotic citizens has presented another one to the Town of Tryon. The old one had gotten so weather-beaten and was so neg lected; left up in the rain and at night, a lot of people were talking about it. Of course a lot of army and navy officers and men of the service who had been taught to ktf’sand respect it, noticed the cW°%ce. . . . Col. A. L. Smith repbrts that some one has been taking laurel from his property | near Newmarket Road. He asks them to please don’t do it. Soon there will be no beautiful blooms there for others to enjoy. The property is private, but everyone 1 can enjoy the laurel if left to j grow .... Dr. Clarence V. Kerr, Tryon osteopathic physician, will speak Friday at 1 p. m. at Rotary club on his reminiscences as a Rotarian for 39 years, starting with the Cleveland, the No. 18 club in the nation. . . . Mrs. H. A. Wilkie, who died in Tryon the other day was once an honor guest of the Tryon club because her husband was a former president _Continued, on Back Page_ MRS. O. N. FARMER Mrs. Ollie Nelson Farmer, 55, mother of Mrs. Brank Proffitt died Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Brank Proffitt in Tryon, where she had been residing for several months. Mrs. Farmer had had an extended ill ness. She was born near Bryson City and had lived most of her life in Jackson County and Sylva. Funeral services will be held Friday at 11 a. m., in the Sylva Baptist Church with the Rev. Orville H. White, pastor of the Tryon Congregational Church of Christ, officiating. Burial will be in the Shoal Creek Cemetery at Qualla. Mrs. Farmer is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Brank Proffitt of Tryon; Mrs. Alden Bry son of Sylva, and Mrs. Thomas Vann of Portsmouth, Va.; also three grandchildren. Moody Funeral Home of Sylva. is in charge of arrangements. HOSPITAL NEWS Rue Searcy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Reg Searcy of Mill Spring was admitted to St. Luke’s Hos pital. Royal Fowler and David Moore of Tryon were discharged. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Burgess of R-2, Mill Spring are the parents of a son born Nov. 19th, at 9:55 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Brannon of R-l, Mill Spring are the parents of a son born Nov. 19th at 11:22 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Simp son of Columbus are the parents of a daughter born November 19, at 4 p. m. J}AILV BULLETINS—5c eacli