[Est. 1-31-28] Published Daily Except Saturday amd Sunday [5c Per Copy] ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 THE WON DAILY BULLETIN The World’s Smallest daily Newspaper. Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol. 25—No. 284 TRYON, N. C. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1952 No official weather report is | available. Forecast: cloudy, oc- j easional rain. Ike appoints Ezra I Taft Benson of Utah as his secre- j tary of agriculture. T. Woods re signs as price control chief. Says law not strong enough. Korea get ting ready for Eisenhower’s vis it. . . Many Tryonites and relig ious leaders getting ready for Dr. George F. Taylor’s first of a se ries of four lectures on the Epis tles and I, II Thessalonians to night at 8 at the Parish House. . . . . Please phone or send to the Bulletin the names of your holi Hav guests to help make the Bul letin a newsy letter for the men the armed forces and for those ndreds of friends scattered all i over the nation who would like to • be here but can't . . Mr. and Mrs. A. Tanner Banning: will return Wednesday to Pittsburgh. Pa. af ter a visit with Mrs. Banning’s mother, Mrs. Wayne V. O’Neil. . . Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson C. Falkner of Long Island are guests of Mr. end Mrs. Lawrence Bradley . . . Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Falconer will have as guests for Thanksgiv ing Mrs. Falconer’s niece, Mrs. Jerome F. Rushby and Mr. Rush hy of Charlotte. The M. Parish-Watson Collec tion of Art is to be installed at the Mint Museum of Art, Char —.Continued on Bark Page. HOSPITAL BIDS RECEIVED Bids have been received by the Building Committee of St. Luke’s Hospital for the new wing which will be added to the existing structure. It has been found that the original estimate of $150,000 will not be sufficient due to in creased costs of labor and mater ials. This, fact, plus certain ex tras which have been found neces sary, due to increased costs of operation, will probably make the final costs somew-here in the vicini ty of $175,000. The architects are now busv negotiating and re designing according to our pres ent pocketbook and needs. The announcement was made by C. D. Stevens, hospital board president. The North Carolina Medical Care Commission, which, under the Hill-Burton Act, will bear 71.1% of the new wing’s cost, has agreed to permit a 15% increase in the building cost on the basis of present plans, “due to the Korean war”, and will thus con tribute that percentage. Under the sharing plan embodied in the Hill Burton Act the local share of the hospital’s new wing cost will be 27.9%. This communitv’a share of the originally projected cost of ap proximated $42,000 but due to +he increased costs as indicated in the bids received, the local share will be at least $50,000', with the NCMCC assuming the balance of the obligation, expected to be at least $122,000. To date, $30,000 has been con tributed locally. It will therefore be necessary to receive approxi mated double that figure because .. Continued On Back Page_