[Est. 1-31-28] Published Daily Except Saturday a/nd Sunday [5c Per Copy! ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 THE TRYON DAILY BULLETIN The World's Smallest daily Newspaper.Seth M. Vining. Editor Vol. 25—No. 285 TRYON, N. C. WEDNESDAY. NOV. SfiTTT iqko Weather Monday: High 61, low i 34, Rel. Hum. 49; Tuesday high I 54, low 37, rain .01, Rel. Hum. 76. I General Eisenhower has named Arthur E. Summerfield chairman of the Republican National Com mittee as postmaster general; Mrs. Oveta Culp Hobby, Democrat and first WAC head, named Adminis trator Federal Security Agency and Mrs. Ivy Baker Priest, Boun tiful, Utah, treasurer of the Unit ed States.M. T. Lambeth of Statesville was elected Rotary Governor at the 280th District Convention in Charlotte Tuesday. . . . . President Geo. D. Cooksey of the Trvon Chamber of Com iterce has been assured by AAA ■prials that next year a license j s^tion will be operated in Tryon ;n order for motorists in this area to ^et their new taps more con veniently .... The Chamber pf Commerce directors met Tues ftav night. The Christmas Light ing1 Program will begin soon under the leadership of Harrison Bridge man Tr. Trade Street will again be lined with lighted Christmas trees to spread cheer to all who see. With money left over from the ye*r before plus new collec tions the committee had approxi mate! v 840o to spend on the pro ject, butrbv being as conservative as Possible they used $251.26, -Continued on Back Page-1—.. My Favorite Hunter Is Postponed Indefinitely My Favorite Hunter, the riding activity scheduled for Friday af ternoon has been postponed inde finitely on account of rainy weather and wet grounds. The popular event held at the George Brannon Mulberry Farm for the past two years grew like a mushroom and hundreds of peo ple were looking forward to it again this year, but the uncertain ty of the weather and other ar rangements makes it impossible to set a new date at this time. CALL FOR F. P. RUFF The Selective Service Board is issuing a call for Franklin Paul Ruff, formerly of Mill Spring. His last address was listed as Hender sonville R-2. Anyone knowing his correct address are requested to notify the Draft Board at Tryon. FUN NIGHT TONIGHT The Fellowship Group of the Congregational Church will meet tonight at 7 o’clock for Thanks giving dinner and fun, say the program leaders. HOSPITAL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Van T. Green of Landrum R-l, are parents of a daughter born Nov. 25th, at 12:45 p. m., at St. Luke’s Hospital. Other new patients are Joan and Judy Stoudenmire, twin daugh ters of Mr. and Mrs. H. 0. Stoud enmire; and Mrs. Mary Lyster, all of Tryon. Patients discharged include Dr. David Wenstrand, Tryon; Mrs. Stanford Case, Columbus; Mrs. Robert Thompson and daughter, Melvin Hill.