THE 111091 DAM BULLETIN The World’s Smallest daily Newspaper.Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol. 25—No. 286 TRYON, N. C. THURSDAY, NOV. 27TH. 1952 Published, Daily Except [Est. 1-31-28]Saturday amd Sunday[5c Per Copy] ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUdUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 This is Thanksgiving. Let us all be thankful and count our 1 blessings one by one and “it will surprise you to see what the Lord hath done.” . . . Today's Bulletin j is brief in order to give the entire staff a holiday. Any news items for Friday’s Bulletin should be phoned in before 8 o’clock Friday morning if possible. . . Thursday will have a full schedule with church services, radio, television, golf, horseback riding, visiting and entertainine. Union Thanksgiving service at Methodist Church at 10 o’clock with the Rev. Chas. L. Mc Gavern preaching. Christian Sci ence service at 11 o’clock. Land- | Union service at the Metho Church with the Rev. Harold Schumacher of the Baptist Church preaching . . . Funeral services-for Mrs. Carmel Bradley Westbrook will be held Thursday afternoon j at 2:30 at Mill Creek Church of I the Brethren. j BULLETIN 20 YEARS AGO Tryon Kiwanis Club sets aside $110 for the purchase of regis tered pigs and lespedeza seed to | be given deserving 4-H Club mem- I bers who will pay back to Kiwanis j a pig each from the first litters. Kiwanis will take these pigs and give them to some more boys and thus keep the good work revolv -Continued on Back Page_ j Santa Claus In Spartanburg Santa Claus is coming to Spar tanburg next week, riding atop a mammouth 110-foot giant balloon float, complete with sleigh and reindeer. Escorting Santa to town will be 17 bands representing Wofford College, high schools in the area, and the American Legion. Santa's float will be iust one of th« 42 giant balloons making an appearance in Spartanburg u, offi cially open the Christmas season. The balloons valued at over $125, 000, will depict the famous Christ mas Story, “Twas the Night Be fore Christmas.” Another feature of this year’s parade will be the floats and other decorated units. A total of 19 floats and other units have been entered and they include the beautiful Lance of Charlotte float, along with the Liggett & Meyers float from Durham. Other bands represent Wofford College, Spartanburg High School, Carver High School, Sims High of Union, Granard High of Gaf ney, Blacksburg High, Tri-High of Caroleen, Union High School, Woodruff High, Greer High, Forest City High, Inman High, Fairfor est High, District Five of Dun can, Chesnee, Cowpens High, and the American Legion Drum and Bugle Corps. BRIDE-TO-BE HONORED Amoner the entertainments in honor of Miss Mary Adams, bride elect of Saturday, Nov. 29th, was a cocktail party on Monday at The Villa, given by Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Bartol Jr,, and a dinner on Tuesday given by Mrs. Wayne V. O’Neil at Stiil Pond in the Hunting Country. Thursday’s par -Continued on Back Page.