THE TRIM DAILY BULLET! Ihe World’s Smallest daily Newspaper. Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol. 25—No. 288 TRYON, N. C. MONDAY, DECEMBER 1. 1952 [Est. 1-31-28] Published Daily Except Saturday cmd Sunday ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, A^* THE _AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, Per Copy] POSTOFF5CE 1879 Weather Friday: High 53, low 33, Rel. Hum. 32; Saturday high 48, low 25, Rel. Hum. 41; Sunday high 51, low 31, Rel. Hum. 43. Rainfall for month of November, 2 99 inches .... Sister Kenney, the Australian polio leader was buried Sunday . . . Election in Saar gives the land to France instead of Germany. . . Banker Winthrop Aldrich named ambas sador to Great Britain by General Eisenhower . . . Big fire at White head Machine Works near Char lotte interrupted TV and telephone reception in this area from 5:30 M:30 o’clock Sunday . . . High Patrolman W. R. Boyles ■d Monday that auto license tags are now one sale at Hender sonville Monday through Friday from 9 a. m., to 4 p. m. . . Mr. find Mrs. Krnest Is. Kellogg of Washington, D. C., spent the Thanksgiving holidays at their plantation near Gowansville and occupied the Charles D. Hare house in Tryon while the Ha^es were visiting in Chicago . . . Mr. and Mrs. ,T. C. Thorne who have h«en at Malibu, Calif., have re turned to this sectioin to make their home and are staying at nresent in Rutherfordton until they get located. The Skyuka Chapter Eastern Star will meet tonight at 8 at the Masonic Hall. Miss Mary Adams Weds Mr. Robert T. Burnett Miss Mary Hortense Adams, daughter of Mrs. Cuyler Culver Adams and the late Mr. Adams, was married Saturday evening at 8 o’clock to Mr. Robert Trafford Burnett, of New York City, son of the Rev. C. Percy Burnett of Charlotte, N. C.. and the late Mrs. I Burnett. The Rev. Mr. Burnett j was for many years rector of the j Church of the Holy Cross in Tryon. j The ceremony was performed in the chapel of Holy Cross by the rector, the Rev. Charles L." Me Gavern. The bride was given in marriage by her brother, Mr. Cuyler Culver Adams Jr., of Minneapolis, Minn. She wore her paternal grand mother’s wedding gown of ivory brocaded satin and duchess lace. On the front of the full trained skirt was a spray of miniature gardenias and sweetheart roses and a nosegay of the same flowers topped the white Prayer Book which she carried. Her pale pink French illusian veil fell from a j coronet of lace and orange blos i soms. Mrs. Louis de Sassaure Simonds Jr., of Charleston, S. C., the only sister of the bride, served as her I matron-of-honor. Mrs. Simonds ! wore a floor length ruby red taf feta gown with matching bolero, and carried a nosegay of brandy wine pink roses. The bridesmaids were Mrs. Cuyler C. Adams Jr., sister-in-law of the bride, Miss Constance Hardinge of Bristol, Va., and Miss Mary Quarles, of Plainfield, N. J., who wore brandy wine pink taffeta gowns and car ried ruby red roses. All of the at -Continued from Page Two__