THE THTOH DAM BlILMI The World's Smallest daily Newspaper.Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol. 25—No. 289 TRYON, N. C. TUESDAY. DECEMBER 2. 19Ki> Published, Daily Except [Est. 1-31-28]Saturday and Sunday [5c ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE _AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, Per Copy] POSTOFFICE 1879 Weather Monday: High 46, low I 21, Rel. Hum. 44 . . . It’s raining rain now. All over this section filling reservoirs . . . General Eisenhower has completed his cab- j inet. Sinclair Weeks of Boston, will be Secretary of Commerce and Martin P. Durkin of Chicago, a labor leader who voted for Stevenson, has been named Sec retary of Labor . . . Adolfo Ruiz Continues was inaugurated presi dent of Mexico Monday . . . Cor rection: The Landrum General In surance Agency is opening TODAY instead of day mentioned in Mon «’s Bulletin . . . Orlando, form Italian leader, last of the Big r with Woodrow Wilson, Lloyd George, Clemenceau, died Monday. .... The United Nations adopted India’s plan to end Korean War ! by vote of 53 to 5 . . . President j John McGuinn of the Lions Club stated that Miss Irene Paulus, j Tryon and Polk County winner of the Voice of Democracy contest will speak today, Tuesday, Dec ember 2nd, at 1:45 over Radio Station WBBO, Forest City. She will be introduced by Mr. Mc Guinn. Miss Eleanor Reppert of Tryon is a patient at St. Luke’s Hos pital. Patients discharged include Mrs. Azalee Solesbee of Landrum. Former Landrum Men To Be Honored By Furman The Rev. Archie Ellis, president of the North Carolina State Bap tist Convention, pastor of the Salisbury First! Baptist Church and formerly pastor of the Land rum First Baptist Church (his first church), will be given the honorary degree of doctor of divin ity at the spring commencement of Furman University, his alma mater. The degree of L.L.D. will also be awarded to Mark F. Haw thorne, superintendent of the An derson, S. C., city schools and formerly superintendent of the Landrum public schools. Mr. Haw thorne was at Landrum several years, was a leader in church and civic affairs. Since leaving Land rum he has served as Rotary District -Governor, trustee of Coker College and leader in other edu cational affairs. WIT T IAM HANNON William Henry Hannon, 62, died Tuesday morning at 4 o’clock, fol lowing a stroke at his home Sun day. Ud until that time he had been in good health. Funeral services will be announc ed by Woodward Funeral Home of Soartanburg. The date is de pending upon the arrival of a son, Herbert Lee Hannon, at Officers Candidate School, San Antonio, Texas. The deceased is survived bv his widow, the former Mable Black, and 10 children as follows: William Marion Hannon, LaGuardia Air port, New York; Miss Marvelle, teacher at Sanford, N. C.; Noble Hannon, teacher at Wilkesboro; Mrs. Aurelia Perry, Tryon; Mrs. Eli§ha (Mable) Camp, Tryon; Ed .... Continued on Back Page_