THE TM DAILY BULLETIN The World’s Smallest daily Newspaper.Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol. 25—No. 290 TRYON, N. C. WEDNESDAY, DEC. 3RD, 1952 Published Daily Except [Est. 1-31-28]Saturday and Sunday[5c Per Copy) ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 Weather Tuesday: High 38, low j 32, rain .38, Rel. Hum. 90 .... j Senator Taft objects to Eisen- | hower’s naming of Democrat Labor | Leader Durkin as Secretary of Labor. Reuther expected to be elected president of CIO.A new administration began at the County Court House in Columbus Monday morning with new and re- j elected officers sworn in by Court Clerk Robert S. McFarland. J. C. Williams was re-elected chairman of the County Commissioners. Troy Durham and Demus Chap man are other members of the h^^d. James E. Johnson was Panned county accountant and ta^supervisor. Max H. Feagan, treasurer and tax collector; J. T. Arledge, attorney; H. G. Laughter, jailor; J. T. Tilley, custodian . . . Funeral services for Will Hannon will be held Friday at 3 p. m., at Garrison Chapel Baptist Church. .... Chairman Craig B. Thomas of the Infantile Paralysis Com mittee, stated Tuesday that L. C. Porter would be drive chairman for the March of Dimes campaign in January. Miss Jane Brown is treasurer. The Fidelis class of the Land rum Baptist Sunday school will meet Friday, Dec. 5th, at 7:30, with Mrs. J. T. Ross. MUSIC, MUSIC, MUSIC AT KIWANIS CLUB TUESDAY James Gibson had charge of the Tryon Kiwanis Club program on Tuesday at 1 p. m., at Oak Hall hotel and presented the Tryon Hiirh School Glee Club in a tyro gram of Thanksgiving and secular songs. There are 40 members of the Glee Club directed by Mrs. Clarence Rhodes. The officers are Wallace Lankford, president; Mel vin Hipps, vice president; Harold Gallimore, secretary; Shirley Ed ney, librarian; Melvin Hipps, ac companist. The program included the fol lowing songs: “Accept Our Thanks” (Sibeluis) ; “Thanks Be to God” (Cain) ; “The Heavens Resound” (Beethoven) ; “Beautiful Saviour” (arr. by Rieg ger) : “I'll Follow My Secret Heart” (Coward) ; “The Best Things in Life Are Free” (arr. by Stickles) ; “Bells of St. Mary’s” (Adams) ; “Kentucky Babe” (Gei bel) ; “Sylvia” (Speaks) ; “Caro lina in the Morning” (MacLean). MRS. AMANDA BARTON The hour of funeral services for Mrs. Amanda Barton, 74, who died Monday at her home on Landrum oute 2, will be set later, due to the delayed arrival of a grandson ijfom Korea. Services will be conducted at Fairview Baptist Church by the Revs. Broadus Belue, A. T. How ard and T. E. Reed. Petty Funeral Home is in charge. The Landrum Civic League will meet Friday at 3:30 with Mrs. E. L. Broome. Mrs. C. J. Stover will be in charge of a musical pro gram and there will be an exchange of ffifts.