Published Daily Except [Est. 1-31-28] _Saturday and Sunday[5c Per Copy] ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 THE TRYON DAILY BULLETIN I he World’s Smallest daily Newspaper.Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol. 25—No. 294 TRYON, N. C. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9. 1952 Curb Reporter Weather Monday: High 64, low 33, Rel. Hum. 47 . . . That “con troversy” at the Episcopal Church tonight says Rev. Charles L. Mc ^^yern is “The Great Controversy JJ^the Early Church: Galatians” which will be given by Dr. George Farrand Taylor at the Parish House in the third of his series of lectures sponsored by the Men’s Club at 8 o'clock . . . Chairman Ernest Gibbs of the Republican Executive Committee, states that Thursday night is the deadline for those wishing to buy tickets to the Eisenhower Victory Dinner at Sunnydale Saturday night and meet Charles Raper Jonas the first Republican Congressman from North Carolna in 24 years. In addition to those listed in the ad tickets may be obtained from Mrs. J. C. Woodley .... Margaret Cul kin Banning created quite a stir following her appearance at the Congressional committee investi opting lurid literature. Mrs. Ban ^kg condemned sexy girlie maga 3Res sold on news stands and found one of her own articles doctored up and displayed along with them under the title “Is Virginity Old Fashioned?” Mrs. Banning has received much prdise from Congressional leaders for her work with social problems .... H09PITAL NEWS today includes as patients Harold Gosnell of Tr1' on; Bobby Wiliams who was criti cally injured in an auto accident; Kenneth Waldrop of Lynn; Mrs. ^obprt Johnson, Landrum; Mrs. Nonie Benson, Gpwensville. Pa tents discharged include Miss Eleanor Reppert, Tryon Mrs. Rob ert Plumley and baby* daughter, Landrum, Route 2. W. H. CULBRETH W. H. “Bub” Culbreth, 65, well known citizen of Green Creek, died Tuesday morning at 6:30 at the home of his daughter, Mrs. John Alberson, at New Prospect, S. C., after an illness of about a year. Funeral services will be held at 2:30 p. m., at Hickory Grove Baptst Church in Polk County with the Rev. W. E. Tisdale, pas tor of the New Prospect Baptist Church: the Rev. Robert Bell of Sandy Plains ARP Church and the Rev. A. C. Martin of Mill Spring Baptist Church officiating. Nephews will be pallbearers. The body will be at the home of Mrs. Alverson in New Prospect until 1 p. m., when it will be placed in the Hickory Grove Church to await the hour of service. In terment will be in the church cemetery. The McFarland Funeral Home in charge of arrangements. Mr. Culbreth, a native of Green Creek, Polk County, Landrum, S. C., Route No. 1. was a son of the late Dock and Sally Childers Cul breth. He is survived by his wid ow, Mrs. Nellie Weaver Culbreth; one son, Bill Culbreth of Landrum; three daughter, Mrs. Jennings Cal vert, Forest City; Mrs. Cecil Coch ran, and Mrs. John Alverson, New Prospect; two sisters, Mrs. Fda Wilson, Quintan, Texas; Mrs. Minnie Hawkins, Inman, S. C., Route 1; five brothers, R. L. Cul breth, .Lyman; J. W., of Inman, S. C.; G. C., of Spartanburg, R-6; A. B.. of Inman R-l; D. R., of Fair Forest; also six grandchil dren. Dr. Bernard C. Clausen will speak Thursday, Dec. 11 at 8 p.m. at Congregational Church House. Public invited.