Published Daily Except [Est. 1-31-28]Saturday and Sunday[5c Per Copy] ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE at tryon, n. c. under the act op congress, march 3, 1879 THE mm DAILY BIILLETII The World’s Smallest daily Newspaper.Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol. 25—No. 295 TRYON, N. C. WENESDAY, DEC. 10, 1952 Weather Tuesday: High 60, low 40, rain .09, Rel Hum. 81 ... J Solon Williams was thanked Tues day night by the Tryon Chamber of Commerce directors for con tributing the living Christmas trees to the Tryon Volunteer Fremen who have decorated the tree with blue lights. The Firemen now need some money with which to pur chase candy, nuts and fruit to help Santa Claus in distributing them to all the children on Dec. 18th .... STOP THIEF! You are robbing the Christmas Spirit. One of the lowest forms of mean ness is the robbing of light bulbs the Christmas trees on Trade eet. Last year two boys were caught, arrested and fined $36.00. Every police officer and private citizen is requested to keep eyes open for boys so low down they rob Christmas trees. A man can be forgiven for stealing when he is hungry or in need to relieve pain, but to steal light bulbs which he can’t eat or use is low down. The fellow robs his own friends of the Christmas Cheer the lights send out to all who pass bv. The lights tell everyone, “In Christ’s name we love you, best wishes to you and yours, be of good cheer, let’s enjoy the Christ mas spirit of giving and doing for others ” Who would be so low -Continued on Back Page_ DYE AT KIWANIS Holland Brady had charge of the Tryon Kiwanis Club program Tuesday at 1 p. m., at Oak Hall and had as guest speaker, Dr. A. V. Dye, who recently returned from a tour of countries in wes tern Europe. Dr. Dye, a retired American diplomat who has travelled over much of the world, stated that he was pleased with the higher ideals of the average man he found and of the eagerness of the people to get along with people in other countries He said the populations of Europe as well as the western hemosphere is increasing rapidly and that some means of control must eventually be found, that Europe can not feed itself, nor Mexico, nor Japan. He said in many lands the population is growing faster than the land can support. He was impressed with the facility with which one can get accommodations at European hotels by letter, telephone or tele graph. The peoples of the world are getting closer to one another in many ways. Guests at the meeting included Sam Goodman, A. W. Koon and St. Clair Knight of Spartanburg. REMODELING DEPOT Tryon will soon have one of the most modern little depots on the Southern Railway system for towns of this size, according to M. D. Sigman, foreman of the construc tion crew, which is remodeling the depot. A complete face lifting will be given the building, including new outside finish, partjy of brick and asbestos siding, a new roof, new foundation, new furniture, an oil L Continued on Back Page_