[Est. 1-31-28] Published Daily Except Saturday a/nd Sunday 15c Per C&py) ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE at tryon, n. c. under the ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 THE TRTOH DAILY BULLET! The World's Smallest daily Newspaper.Seth M. Vining. Editor Vol. 25—No. 300 TRYON, N. C. WEDNESDAY ni?.r. 17 iqko Weather Tuesday: High 57, low 27, Rel. Hum. 46 ... . Only one director of the Chamber of Com merce has contributed to the Trade Street Christmas Decorations and only three or four merchants, be cause there -has been no direct solicitation. It is a people’s project, free of the usual commercialism. However, it is always a joy to a committee chairman when mem bers volunteer their support and interest in any project. It is an added joy when the people'in gen eral approve of what’s being done, and approve with financial support end encouragement. From day to Jav contributions have come in gj^untarily from friends who want wish everyone, friend and stranger, A Merry Christmas, and all the good things of the season as expressed through the lighted Christmas trees. Little Miss Mary Rion of Athens, Ga., who is here for the holidays joins the list contributors: so does Mrs. Etta Cashwell, Mrs. Julian Calhoun, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Lindley, Mrs. Cleo Geer, Mrs. Sibyl Brendall. And some friends have offered to give more if needed. However the committee feels that it is much better for a large number of people to give smaller amounts than for a few people to give larger amounts. The good wishes of all the ■ --- Continued on Back Paoe ... DRAFT BOARD CLOSES The office of the Polk County Selective Service Board will close Friday, Dec.' 19th, and remain closed until Jan. 5th. Those wish ing to take up matters with the Board have until Friday to do it. Management At Kiwanis Manuel C. Holthouser spoke to the Kiwanis Club Tuesday at Oak Hall on “How Do You Manage”. Mr. Holthouser told of some of the personnel problems facing hospital administrators and business men in general. The speaker said that the hos pital is not a profit making organi zation and that if you are sick you are not refused because your credit isn’t any good. Mr. Holthouser said, “The main purpose of any hospital is rendering the best ser vice possible, regardless of the cost.” Guests of the club were Cai’ter Haas, Charlotte: Slam Goodman, A. W. Koon and Hunter Stalworth, Spartanburg; Jack Craig, Colum bus; S. A. Bingham, Trvon. TRYON WINS TWO Tryon High School boys and girls basketball teams defeated Saluda High Tuesday night: the girls 54 to 36, and the bovs 59 to 50. Glenna Hamrick and Hugh Hines led the Tryon scorers with 25 and 24 points, respectively. Adrian Pace led Saluda boys with 21 and Forward Stephenson led the Saluda girls with 34 points. Columbus Capitol Girls will play Spartanburg Junior College in basketball Thursday night at 7:30 at Columbus gym. The boys’ team goes to Holly Springs.