Published. Daily Except [Est. 1-31-28]_Saturday and Sunday [5c per Copy] ENTLRED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE _AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 THE TRYON DAILY BULLETIN I he World’s Smallest daily Newspaper._Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol. 25—Nb. 302 TRYON, N. C. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 19 1QK9 Weather Thursday: High 65, low 34, Rel. Hum. 49 . . . The Firemen’s Community Christmas Tree and Santa Claus p'rogram was most successful. The entire block was filled with people of all ages who enjoyed the event, and none more than the big eyes of wonder and awe seen on the young sters as Santa Claus came riding the fire truck . . . Donors to the Trade Street Christmas Trees in clude Missildine’s Pharmacy, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Laidler Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Carlson. . . Fourth grade Brownies’ Christmas party given by Mrs. James Knowles and «s. R. C. Burnett will be held the Knowles’ home Monday at *..30 . . . Basil O’Connor speaks tonight at 10:30 over CBS with latest news on Gamma Globulin *or treatment r>f Polio. . . . Kiwanis toy program Tuesday at 1 p. m. at Oak Hall . . .Please order your Greeting for the Bulletin Christ mas edition today. HOSPITAL NEWS Mrs. Thurston Arledge is a na tient at St. Luke’s Hospital. Pa tients discharged include Bill Ed r'r"\ *on of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Edney; Mrs. Wade Pace, Saluda; Mrs. Minnie D. Greer, Lenoir. The Congregational Christmas party Monday at 7 p. m. AT THE CHURCHES Columbus Presbyterian: Rev. T. C. Bailey, Pastor. Sunday school, 10 a. m., Wm. C. McFarland, Supt. Morning worship 11. Sermon, “The First Christmas Service.” Christ mas tree program 7 p. m. Methodist: Rev. H. A. Pruyn, Minister. Church school 10 a. m.’ Dr. C. W. McCall, Supt. Sermon, 11 a. m., “God’s Gift.” Sacrament, of Infant Baptism. Christmas candlelight service, 5 p. m. * Congregational: Rev. Orville H. White, Minister. Church school, 9:45 a. m., JoImi Loren Brown, Supt. Morning worship 11. Sub ject, “Still Shine the Stars”. (Nur sery class provided). Old-fashion ed family Christmas party Mon dav, 7 p. m. Tryon Presbyterian: Rev. Joe Wagner, Minister. Sunday school 10 a. m., Melvin Burns, Supt. Morning worship 11. Subject. “Where Is He That Is Born King?” Evening worship 7,:30. Service en titled “Christmas is for Remember ing.” Praver service Tuesday at .7:30; choir practice, 8:15. Second Baptist: Rev. Clyde Fet ner, supply pastor. Sunday school 10 a. m., Donald Hipp, Supt. Preaching 11 a. m. Training1 Union 7 p. rn. Christmas tree Wednes day at 7 p. m. Episcopal: The Church of the Holy Cross. Rev. Charles L. Mc Gavern, Rector. Holy Communion, 3 a. m.; Church school, 9:30 a. m. (No nursery class). Morning nraver. Confirmation and Address 11 a. m. Christmas narty, 4 p. m. WeOnesdav, Holy Communion at 10; 30 a. m. Trvon First Baptist: Rev. H. O. Hearn, Raster, Sunday school 10 a. m., N. L. Wilson. Supt. Morning worship 11. Training . Continued On Back Pape