I'tthltsh f it I in rly hJrct-pt 1 E?t. 1-31-28]_So turf In if and Sunday [5c Per Lopv) ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER ACCOST 2<), 1928. AT THE POSTOFFK E _AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS MARCH /?, ] S79 the World's Smallest daily Newspaper. Seth M. Vinirty, E(h't,> Vol. 25—No. 329 TRYON, nT~C. TUESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1053 Curb Reporter Weather Monday: High 55, low MO, Rel. Hum. 43 . . . Ticket holders and holders of patron tickets have a treat tonight in the playreading of “Harriett” at the Congrega tional Church House at 8:15. . . . jtumbus Capitols play Green ^reek girls and Glendale boys tonight at 7:15 and 8:15 at the ( olumbus gym. LAST CALL for articles and advert'sements for the anniversary edition of The Bulletin. REMEM BER we INVITED EVERYONE to participate. When it comes out and your ad or news item is not in it, remember we asked you. COMMUNICATIONS As of today, there has been placed within the reach of every man, woman and child in Polk County, the opportunity to give to one of the greatest causes of all t’me. This is. of course, the “Polio Fund”, and this year, of all years, there is great need. The school children have their dime cards, mills have their- collection ‘ j/.es and sheets, and the stores m Tryon, Columbus, Mill Spring, I.ynn and Saluda have on their counters the familiar “iron lung”, for the reception of shoppers’ dimes. All schools have been told that they are not to solicit from door to door, and the public is urged NOT to give to any child unless that child is known to them, personally. Polio this year, is at an all time high, and the need for help is great. The movie theatre is operating a short March of Dimes traler, and theatre pa trons are urged to drop a coin in the boxes of the collectors in the theatre lobby. Let us make this Continued on Back Pape ... I MEN AT WORK The Men’s Garden Club of Try on met at Oak Hall Friday and discussed various problems i of cultivating-, watering and grow ing vegetables, flowers and shrubs. Discussion was led by William Barrow, Albert Simpson, Wayne '"reasman, Paul Culberson, Wilbur Roadhouse and joined in by the members. Mr. Culberson told of the importance of watering; Mr. Road house on growing baysenberries; Mr. Cieasman on planting and mulching tomatoes with paner and sawdust. E. A. Turner ■ reported eating tomatoes from ins garden last week. Many of the members exchanged experiences. H: L. Mapes, a prize winning rose grow er, said he awavs learned some thing at every meeting. POLIO DONORS Campaign Chairman Leonard Porter reports the following ad ditional contributions to the Polk County March of Dimes Fund: Mrs. Ella Fowles, J. W. Cowan, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Walcott, Rev. Charles G. Sewall, Margaret Vickey, Mrs. PI. Lan Moore, Miss Helen Stearns, Mr. and Mrs. | James R. Trowbridge, Miss Ber tra Palmer, Mrs. B. B. Turck, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Mapes, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Prather, Mrs. David C. W. Charters, Miss Rose Terry, Mrs. A. T. Whittesey, Mr. and Mis. Walter C. Hill, Miss Laura Peasley, Mr. and Mrs. H. II. Parmelee, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hair, Miss Elena Garc'a, Mrs. Charles D. Brown, Mrs. Helen IIa moon, Mrs. Clarence Jackson. Tryon High basketballers take ChesntJe tonight and Roebuck on Friday Night.