[Esft'V 31-28] Published Daily Except Saturday and Sunday [5c Per Copy] ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGHST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFKICE _AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 8. 1879 THE TRY?! DAILY BULLETIN The World’s Smallest D TK5 N,N Vol. 26*—No. 8 Newspaper. Seth M. Vining. Editor C. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 11TH. 1953 Weather Tuesday: high 67, low 31; Rel. Hum. 40 . . . United States sending military supplies to Chiang’s Chinese on Formosa to help them attack Red China . . . Col. L. R. Fisher, head of the state highway patrol expected to lose job. N. C. Senate approves bill to put stiff fmes and prison sentence on drunken drivers. Re publicans expect to cut federal taxes in June. Move to make Hawaii the 49th state is getting underway . . . C. P. Hood of Sum merville, S. C. is building a seven bedroom, 4-bath room house on Lake Lanier for summer home. . . . TODAY is the day of the Fashion Show at 3 p. m. at the Congregational Church House. The public is invited and at least a donation of $1 is expected from all who attend. The show is spon sored by St. Agnes Guild to raise money for its various charities and church activities. Betty Sturgis Shop clothes are being modeled. HOSPITAL NEWS Richard McGavern, son of Rev. • and Mrs. Charles McGavern of Tryon was admitted to St. Luke’s Hospital. Patients discharged in clude: Mrs. Frank Walker and son of Lynn; Mrs. Cecil Gosnell and son, Rt. 2, Landrum; Otis Moore, Tryon; Alex White, Tryon. LANDRUM NEWS L>U Mrs. C. M.-Littlefield Jr. The Ruth Bible Class of the First Baptist Church of Landrum h