[EstT 1-31-28] Published Daily Except Saturday and Sunday [5c Per_ Copy] ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1028. AT THE POSTOFEICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3. 1879 TUB Wil DAILY BlILM he World's Smallesl ^ .ILY Newspaper. Seth M. Vin-ing, Editu> Vol. 26—No. 14 s> YON, N. C. THURSDAY, FEB. 19, 1953 Weather Wednesday: High 55, low 26, Rel. Hum. 35 . . . World news about the same. British and American diplomats trying to re gain lost prestip-e in Arab world. Controls taken off many more things. If prices go up too much, controls will go back. It’s up to business to watch its step . . . M. L. (Fate) Davenport, former East Flat Rock merchant and brother of C. D. Davenport of Tryon, died Wednesday in a Spartanburg hos pital .... Spartanburg has re organized a men’s garden club with B. B. Bobo, formerly of Tryon as secretary. The membership limit has been lifted from 25 to 100. All men interested in beautifying their own premises and the city in general will have an opportunity ttn n TVvrm "P -T1 A wofifo tonight at 8. Public invited. Mrs. Alan Calhoun will sing: a solo and the Rev. ,T. C. Wagner w’ll sneak on the “Detours of Life’’ Mr«. H. L. Arledge states that the Miss Tmbor who died in Hendersonville was the former housekeeper for W. B. Weigel in Tryon . . . Polk County Draft Board office in Trvon will be closed Mondav on account o* George Washington’s birthdav. That makes holidays for the bank, post office and most government controlled offices . . . Spartanburg Herald Thursday shows picture of _Continued on Pngr Cooksey Rotary Speaker George D. Cooksey, president of the Tryon Chamber of Commerce, will be the guest speaker at the Tryon Rotary Club Friday at 1 p. m. at Oak Hall hotel. He will speak on the activities of the Chamber of Commerce. Charlie Taylor of Kilburn Mill, will be in charge of the program. Puppets In Spartanburg The Sab-burg Marionettes, tour ing' America this year for the first time, will present a matine§ and evening performance on Saturday, Feb 21, at Spartanburg Memorial /uditor um under the auspices of The Spartanburg Women’s Club. Mrs. Lee Steele, president of the club, pointed out that the Salzburg Marionette group are a delight to everyone from six to sixty. “Be cause the figures and presentations are extraordinary and exciting.” The puppets are three and a half feet tall. Their movements and manipulations are handle;} bv a large troupe of puppeteers, di rected by Herman Alcher, the famed director of the Marionette Theatre. The matinee on Feb. 21 at Me morial Auditorium will include the presentation of “Eine Kdolne Nnchtmusik” and “Hansel fyOrat el”. both long time favorites. Th« evening program wTl consist of “Bastein & Rasteinne,” “T h e Swan.” “Eine Kleine Nachtmus'k’’ and “Concert at Schoenbrunn.” The ladies of all the Landrum Churches will meet Fr:dav at 7:30 p. m., at the Methodist Church for World Day of Prayer. Mrs. J. M. Woodruff will be in charge of the program.