?|\TRONIZE YOUR HOME TOWN MERCHANT ! He’s Your Neighbor SALUDA NEWS NOTES Julia, Ann Johnson. Mrs. Paul Culberson of the Polk County Red Cross, has consented to come to Saluda to give a six weeks’ nursing course to all ladies who wish to take it. One lesson will be given weekly and are free. This is a good opportunity for mothers to learn how to take care of the family in case of illness. All who are interested in this course should call Mrs. Roy L. Johnson at once. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Brock have moved into the small apartment at the Haislip apartments. The deacons of the Baptist Church will hold their regular meeting Friday night, March 6, at 7:30 with Mr. and Mrs. Nolan Pace. The Week of Prayer for home missions will be observed by the Baptist W. M. S. in the following places: at 4 p. m., Monday at Mrs. Neilsen; Tuesday, Mrs. J. C. Thompson; Wednesday, Mts. Dan Pace; Thursday, Mrs. F. M. Hug gins; Friday at 7:30 at Mrs. R. L. Savage. Furnished Apartment, 4 rooms, electric hot water, oil furnace; garden space available. Phone 48-J. —Advertisement 2, 4, 6c. At FREEWILL BAPTIST CHURCH, Tryon, N. C., each First Sunday night at 7, there will be 1 HOUR HEALING SERVICE FOR THE SICK. Everyone is wel come to attend these services.— Advertisement 27, 6, 13, 20, 27p. - Quality Watch Repairing „ FAST SERVICE REASONABLE PRICES GUARANTEED WORK White’s Watch Repair Shop Tryon, N. C. (Next to Andrews Furniture Co.) PINE CREST INN Every Sunday Evening 6:30 to 7:30 Buffet Supper Reservations Advisable.