HOSPITAL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Norris Owens of Tryon Route One are parents of a son, born March 7 at 4.52 p. m. Other new patients in the hospi tal include Miss Eleanor Reppert, Gordon Wright, Mrs. Vernon Mc Carter, all of Tryon and Walter Foster of Columbus. Patients discharged include Mrs. F. W. Sprague and Mrs. Morgan Morris. The Thrift-y Garden Club of Landrum will meet Tuesday at 3 p. m. with Mrs. Paul Reneau. Guest speaker will be Charles Lea, noted civic leader of Spartanburg. Mrs. C. M. Littlefield Jr. is co hostess. ' DAILY BULLETINS—5c each Civic at Landrum MONDAY and TUESDAY Richard Widmark, Joanne Dru in “MY PAL GUS” Also Selected Short Subjects WEDNESDAY ONLY Tohnny Sheffield, Karen Sharpe in ‘BOMBA and the JUNGLE GIRL” Also Selected Short Subjects 0nfmm You car> walk in style and Comfort in VMM/Zebefaed SHOES FOX MEN AND WOMEN with velvety-soft, air-cushioned in nersoles and buoyant support to the arches... For substantial savings and Expert Factory Fitting Service, consult PHILIP ONGAR Phone 423-M Tryon,, N. C. Columbus Office ~ N Wednesdays and Saturdays Royall Pendel Pepper, Richard son & Karsten’s fawn^Boxer, brought four ribbons ba^J from the Spartanburg Dog Show which was held by the Spartanburg Kennel Club Saturday. “Bimbo”, as he is known by his friends, was judged best boxer in the show. A number of Tryon dog lovers at tended the show which was held in the Memorial Auditorium. Mrs. Marvin Woodall and son, Michael; and Mrs. George Morris Jr. have returned to Birmingham, Ala. after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Stanislas Czetwertynski. D'R. R. G. GOINS CHIROPRACTOR Inman, S. C. Tel. 293 DONCASTER Tailored Dresses & Blouses Now on display in our show room, being shown in an elabo rate range of fine cottons, linens, Salyna, pure silk and rayon prints and many out standing novelty weaves. • Open 9 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. Doncaster Collar & Shirt Company Rutherfordton, North Carolina