ai Frank Carruth, Landrum, S, C., Tel. 105 General Electric Refrigerators . . . Ranges . .. Home Freezers ... Washing Machines . . . Water Heaters, Etc. ' (Liberal Trade-In Allowances) Mrs. Tom Robinson of Hudson, O., who has been the guest of Mrs. William Gilchrist, flew to her home Monday. Mr. Robinson, who is with the Powder Craft Co. has remained in Spartanburg where that firm now has an office. SOFT ICE CREAM STORE. Wide open opportunity to own your own business. Small amount of capital necessary. National ar erage net profit $5500 per season. We train personnel and finance equipment. Equipment is most economical on the market. For com plete details about this nationally advertised chain, please write or phone Western North Carolina Tastee-Freez Co., Box 341, Bryson City, N. C. Phone 2655. ACT NOW! Spring is just around the corner.—Adv. 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13c mo Coca-Cola Bottling Company Forest City, N. C. SPRING CLEANING TIME! How is your Cleaning; Equipment? Have it checked today. Also see the most modern method of home cleaning. For Free Demonstration in your own home, call or write G. A. Davis, Box 432, Tryon, N. C. •—Advertisement 6, lOp. For Sale MODERN HOME This one year old home is on a big lot and in a good neighborhood. Owner must sell because of illness. Exclusive Agents We have many other good real estate buys. Tryon Real Estate & Insurance TELEPHONE 9 Tryon. North Carolina ECTOR' (For 23 Years One of the South's Better Cleaners) TELEPHONE No. 203