A. Meets Thursday x.*e Tryon Parent-Teachers As sociation will meet Thursday, March 19th, at 8 p. m., in the school auditorium. The high school glee club under the direction of Mrs. Clarence Rhodes will have the program. COLUMBUS STYLE SHOW The Stearns school P.-T. A. is sponsoring the style show pro duced by the Ballenger Co., at the Stearns school in Columbus on Tuesday evening, March 24th, at 8. The proc^feds from the show will be used to further the P.-T. A. projects for the year which are supplementing the salary of the public school music teacher, pur chasing new books for the library and completing payment on - the gymnasium piano. The style show will feature the latest spring and summer fash ions modeled by boys and girls from the Stearns school and local ladies and men. Music will be under the direction of Mrs. Robert Honeycutt. Tick ets will go pn sale Tuesday.—Con tribution. Mrs. T. D. Jervey, Mrs. Olin Dunn and Mrs. W. J. Tinney have gone to Alabama for a visit. Lee Vance of Chicago is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Oli ver in Tryon. DAILY BULLETINS'—5c each. BUILDING SITES Tel. Office 101 Res. 434-J 25 Years Service in All Real Estate and Insurance HOMES — FARMS G. H. BRIDGEMAN & SON Mrs. E. E. Letchworth has ar rived from Dallas, Texas, for a visit w