RECTOR’S (For 23 Years One of the South’s Better Cleaners) TELEPHONE No. 203 Raymond Anderson and Loyd Comer, students at State College, Raleigh, have arrived at their Tryon homes for spring vacation. Homer Williams of Richmond, Va. arrives in Tryon Wednesday for a visit with his sister, Miss Faye Williams of Missildine’s. “Matter” is the topic of the Lesson-Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, next Sunday. The Golden Text is from I John 5:21: “Little children, keep your selves from idols.” Passages from the Bible include, “Be ye not unequally yoked to gether with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what com munion hath light with darkness?” II Corinthians 6:14. And from “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures”, by Mary Baker Eddy, “How can in telligence dwell in matter when matter is non-intelligent and brain lobes cannot think? Matter can not perform the functions of Mind.” (Page 478). DAILY BULLETINS—5c each. A. G. McMURRAY SURVEYOR Boundary and Topographic Sur veys; House Layouts. Office in Ongar Building, Columbus, N. C. Telephone 2443. Try putting on your lipstick the foolproof way with a lipstick brush. It makes a clean, neat line where it meets a powder. Keep the little brush clean and useful by washing it frequently in soap and water. DAILY B QLLETINS—5c each. A HOME FOR LESS THAN $3,000 ! Think of it! A newly built home of three large rooms in cluding bedroom, living-dining room, kitchen, screened back porch, large front porch; bath room not finished (complete as you like), and a well is being dug. All on a beautiful knoll of three acres commanding a pan oramic view of the mountains. Owner has change of plans and must sacrifice as is for . . . $2,650 House alone can’t be replaced for price asked for entire place. If interested see us now. COLUMBUS REALTY CO. Ernest Gibbs, George Marting Phones 2315 or 2471, Columbus MISSILDINE’S PHARMACY Your druggist for over half a century Phone No. 4