THE TRIM DAILY BULLETIN The World’s Smallest g iLY Newspaper. Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol. 26—No. 34 rJ 5 TON, N. C. THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1953 Published Daily Except [Est. 1-31-28]Saturday and Sunday[5c Per Copy] ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE _AT TRYON, N. C. gJER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879_ Weather Wednesday: High 74, low 48, rain .05, Rel. Hum. 60 . . . Russians and U. S. may work out peace plan.Tryon P.-T. A. meets tonight at 8, musical pro gram .... Pictures of Dog Show at Oak Hall tonight at 8. . . Fri day: Rotary at 1; Duplicate Bridge at 7:45 . . . Saturday: Ju nior Horsemanship Show at 2 p. m., Harmon Field .... The sec ond 4-H Club Leader’s Training School will be held in Columbus Court House Friday, March 20, at 7:45 p. m. Any interested in vited .... No figures have been given out on the results of the Methodist Turkey Dinner Wednes day night, but the school cafeteria was filled several times with en thusiastic customers from all the churches of the community show ing their interest and support of the movement of the Tryon Metho dists to build a new church. The church couldn’t make monev on the meal served for $1.5!) if the food had to be purchased, but since most of it was donated as well as the labor of cooking and serving, nearly everything was profit. The spirit of fellowship and neighborliness and general good will developed by the dinner was worth the effort .... The opening day of the three days of DOLLAR DAYS by Tryon mer -Continued on Back Page_ [ BUY FLYNN HOUSE Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Gilbert have bought the Broadus B. Flynn house in Pickens Park. The Flynn house designed by their son, Ligon, an architectural student at State College, Raleigh, is one of the most modern in the community. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert sold their j home, the former Windsor-Mit | chell-Marsh place some time ago. i Mr. and Mrs. Flynn will build a home on a tract of land bought some time ago from the Erskine Estate, overlooking the Tryon Country Club golf course. Sale was made through G. Harrison Bridgeman & Son. | LANDRUM NEWS Landrum Town Clerk Joe Gen try is ill with the mumps. The Red Cross committee head ed by Miss Myrtle Foster with i the assistance of the garden and civic clubs went over the top in its assigned quota of $350 by rais ing $300. The Ruritan Club has just plac ed three attractive road signs at the three main highway entrances to the community which welcome visitors to Landrum and to attend the church of their choice. HOSPITAL NEWS ; Mrs. Luke Kilpatrick, Tryon, I and Mrs. Ned Bradshaw of Land rum wore admitted to St. Luke’s Hospital. Patients discharged in clude Mrs. George Walker and babv girl and Clyde Hooker, both of Lynn; Thomas Foster, Star Route, Saluda. Mrs. J. A. Moore and children op Westfield, Mass., are visitinsr Mrs. Moore’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Ballew.