PETTY BUYS BUILDING The Petty Funeral Home of Landrum which has been operat ing- a branch office in Columbus has bought the C. C. Owens brick building which they have been oc cupying in Columbus. Wiley White, student at State College, Raleigh, is home in Tryon for spring vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Horatio Turner Jr., are motoring to Tryon today from New Orleans for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Newhall. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Snipes of Knoxville, Tenn., is visiting her sisters, Misses Iris and Alva Jack son. Dr. and Mrs. M. L. Solkow of New York are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kerhulas in Gillette Woods. Mrs. A. M. Stone (Kathryn Kerhulas) who has been visiting her parents, has returned to Mari etta, S. C. Dinner served Saturday night at 8 at home of B. H. Griffin for benefit of Fire Baptized Holiness Church. Everybody invited.—Adv c Recent arrivals at Melro^fc„?-dge include Mrs. Walter Morro^7 New York; Mr. and Mrs. Farr, South Hampton, N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Rolfe, Newton, Mass._ A Complete Line of BABY CLOTHES Including lovely hand made attractively deco rated— BATISTE DRESSES SLIPS and GOWNS FOR 97c ALSO BOOTEES HEAVNER’S In Landrum, S. C. Mr. John Kuh, Knox Hat Repre: * t^'ive, will be in the Millinery Salon of the AUG. W. SMITH CO. IN SPARTANBURG, S. C. FRIDAY, MARCH 20TH with SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES