AVANT ELECTRIC COMPANY W'* Electrical Contracting and Maintenance. Authorized dealer for Frigidaire, Maytag, Zenith, Motorola, Youngstown and other apppliances. We Service anything we sell. Telephone No. 51 Cpl. Pittman In Europe Camp Roeder, Austria. Dear Friends, Well, I guess you thought I had forgotten all about the Club, but by all means I haven’t. I wrote a letter last month telling you of my correct Apo. number, but I guess it got lost on the way or something. I sure hope the letter you nice people write every month to all the guys doesn’t get lost, because I always look forward to getting it to find out what’s new around town. By the way, thanks very much for the list of addresses in this month’s letter. I had lost most of the guys’ addresses. I also made corporal about three months ago. My new Apo. number is 541 instead of 54. Robert Pittman. PRISONERS BAPTIZED Three men from Prison Camp 909 at Columbus will be baptized Sunday in Tryon at 2 p. m., at the Garrison Chapel Baptist Church by Elder M. C. Johnson, accord ing to an announcement by the Rev. Anna Rookard, Prison Camp Pastor. The public is invited. The Hearthside on Melrose Avenue has a special table of attrac tive GIFTS for $1 for the Dollar Days on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Visitors, are always welcome.—Ad vertisement 18, 19. CHURCH of the HOLY CROSS Presents Stainer’s “CRUCIFIXION” Under the direction of Dr. Laslett Smith Soloists: Mr. Harry M. Weir and Mr. Otis Lambert Sunday, March 22nd, at 8 P. M. Public cordially invited