Corporal Greenwav Now Korea, March 8th, 1953. Dear H. F. C., Just a few lines to say hello! And let you hear from me. I got your letter a few days ago. I would like to thank you for all of the letters that I have received from you since I’ve been in Korea. I’ve enjoyed each one of them. But if you are planning on send ing another one, just hold to it and hand it to me! For I’ll be on my way to N. C. in about two days from now. And I hope to come by and see you. I’ve also made cor poral since I wrote you last. Well, news has run out for now. So I’ll close, thanking you again for all the nice letters. Thomas S. Greenway Jr. The Women’s Society of the Congregational Church will meet Monday, March 23rd at 3:30 p. m., in the church parlor. Miss Elena Garcia will be the speaker. Miss Garcia requests the ladies to bring any old linen which she can use for bandages in her work through out the county and also practical soap such as Ivory or any similar variety. Mrs. K. A. Bowen is chairman of the hostess commit tee. AUBERGE APTS, (one unfurn ished and one furnished), Melrose Ave., opposite Episcopal Church. Desirable lease available to perm anent guests. References. Inspec tion afternoons only.—Adv. tf. SPECIAL for Trade Event: THROW RUGS in assorted colors, blue, green, gold, red, dusty rose. Only $2.95 at Andrews Furniture Co.—Ad vertisement 18, 19, 20. NEW AND LARGER BULLDOZER New Operator We have bought a new and larger bulldozer (TD 14, 12 ft. blade) in order to give our many customers more for the same price. Fish Ponds, Landscaping, Land Clearing, Land Curring with heavy harrows. Pace Brothers SALUDA, NORTH CAROLINA Office Phone 2841, Night 2101 DAILY BULLETINS'—5c each. TOY HOUSE TRYON An unusual shop— We make and dec orate our own toys. B. Frank Garruth, Landrum, S, C., Tel. 105 General Electric Refrigerators . .. Ranges ... Home Freezers ... Washin Machines . . . Water Heaters, Etc. (Liberal Trade-In Allowances) oro