RECTOR’S (For 23 Years One of the South’s Better Cleaners) TELEPHONE No. 203 Tryon Garden Club Has Annual Meeting The Tryon Garden Club, at its annual meeting in the Congrega tional Church House, heard reports of all committee chairmen, and then elected the following officers for the coming year: president, Mrs. Walter Fellows; vice-presi dent, Mrs. Fred Owen; recording secretary, Mrs. Willard Young; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Wil liam Barrow; treasurer, Miss Sybil K. Morse. Following a luncheon at Mill Farm Inn, the meeting reconvened for a lecture, illustrated with colored slides by Oliver Freeman on the Washington Arboretum. Mr. Freeman, who served as curator of the Arboretum from 1932 to 1950, told how the plans for such a pro ject were first authorised by Con gress in 1927, how 420 acres of suitable land were set aside in the northeast section of the city of Washington, only about three miles from the Capitol, how over 25 acres are used for growing nur sery stock, and how every effort is made to plant the various trees and shrubs in such a way that they create a lovely landscape picture all year round. Particularly beautiful were the colored slides of the Azaleas in bloom at the Arboretum. Some of the pictures were taken by Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Burwell on a trip there last year. FOR SALE 3 EXCELLENT SITES With City Water, just 2 miles from Tryon on Butter street. For further information . . . — Call — Julian Calhoun Alan T. Calhoun No. 158 No. 90-W