BULLETIN 20 YEARS AGO Josepheus Daniels has been ap pointed Ambassador to Mexico. . . Miss Iris Jackson has returned from a visit with her sister in Florida. . . . The Tryon Bank & Trust Co., has the busiest day of its history. Over $35,000 was deposited and only $6,000 was withdrawn. No new money was sent the Tryon bank as it was not needed. A lot of gold money and gold certificates were among local deposits. Things are looking brighter now . . . Miss Elizabeth Avant and Miss Margaret Kerhu las of Winthrop' College are spend ing the week-end at home with their parents .... The Drama Fortnightly presents “Ollympia” with the following cast: Miss Con stance Burtenshaw, Charles G. Sewall, Mrs. W. A. Dobbyn, Miss Jane Oakley, John Fuldner, James Rion Jr., Frank Moore, Miss Mary Sharp, Miss Ferdinande Poppe, Miss Bertha Lubeck, Mrs. Roberta Henderson, Larry Mills, A1 Bow en, Edmund Poppe, John Vollmer. It was directed by Mrs. Louis Fuldner and the costumes were' designed by Harold Crandall . miss Sarah Baldwin of Winthrop College is visiting her sister, Miss Myrtle Baldwin during spring va cation .... Tryon Town Com missioners elect the following officials for the coming town elec tion on May 2: Registrar, James H. Rion Jr., judges, G. E. Bell ^nd Mrs. George A. Cathey . . . The gold hoarders have been given another week in which to return their money to the banks ... A picket fence is being built out to Theodore Ballenger’s gas station 'between Goodyear’s and Burnett’s Gulf Station) . . . Ethan Rippy, TJ. S. Marines, is visiting his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Rinnv. • • • ■ W. H. Stearns annointed postmaster to replace Fred E. Swann. Manv have expressed re grets at losing Mr. Swann, but Politics is politics and this alwavs happens when political adminis trations change. “Uncle Bill” was postmaster under the last Demb oratic administration . . . (doesn’t, happen now—Civil Service). COMING TO TRYOI^S “A screen spectacle of richness and variety.” -—John Briggs, N. Y. Post • St. Matthew Passion Mar. 26 BROCK TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO., Inc. Spartanburg, S. C. Members ALLIED VAN LINES, Ine. Phone Spartanbursr 22316 Motorola TV MODEL 17T14—Superbly engi-j neered for excellent performance. ’ .Handsomely styled to comple-] ment any room setting. Big 17 inch picture tube. All wood. ' Mahogany finish. $239.95 • Prices indude Federal Excise Tax • 1 year warranty on all parts, tubes • All-Channel UHF-VHF aerial built in e Built-in UHF Strata-Tuner optional Avant Electric Company Phone 51 Tryon, N. C.