L^HPRUM GARDEN CLUB Tire Landrum Garden Club met with Mrs. R. A. Carruth on Tues day at 1 p. m., for luncheon. Places were set for 15 members and special guests, Mr. and Mrs. Gab riel Cannon of Spartanburg, Mrs. Duncan Deese of Kannapolis, and Mrs. B. F. Carruth, president of the Landrum Council. Mr. Cannon spoke on Iris, tell ing of his varied experiences in growing iris, and also of the pleasant contacts one can make as a member of the American Iris Society. He stressed the growing of different varieties. He pointed out the importance of including early and late bloomers, also select iris to suit the individual need and preference. Mr. Cannon stated that there are iris native to and grown in all parts of the Northern Hemisphere. He showed specimen of. his early iris. During the busi ness meeting, Mrs. T. W. Pettv, stressed that beginning with the April meeting the club will meet on the first Thursday of each Civic at Landrum THURSDAY and FRIDA! Alan Ladd, Virginia Mayo in “THE IRON MISTRESS” SATURDAY Bob Livingston in “WILD HORSE RUSTLERS’' LATE SHOW SATURDAY John Bromfield in “SON OF VENGEANCE” FOR SALE \ One 6 room house. Large lot, < garden, city water, outbuildings. / Completely redecorated. Hot > Water, complete bath. FOR RENT > One 6-room house; 1 four-room s apartment. C. O. STORY PHONE 9188-J month. The April meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Louis Reneau April 2nd. The home was decorated with spring flowers consisting of daffo dils, spirea, japonica, crocus and flowering almond. LAND SURVEYING SERVICE H. B. Frankenfield, Jr. Registered Surveyor Tels: Off. 150; Res. 6K Tryon, N. C SPRING CLEANING TIME! How is your Cleaning Equipment? Have it checked today. Also see thq, most modern method of home cleaning. For Free Demonstration in your own home, call or write G. A. Davis, Box 432, Tryon, N. C. —Advertisement 17, 20. DAILY BULLETINS—5c each. DONCASTER Tailored Dresses & Blouses Now on display in our show j room, being shown in an elabo rate range of fine cottons, | linens, Salyna, pure silk and [ rayon prints and many out standing novelty weaves. Open 9 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. Doncaster Collar & Shirt Company Rutherfordton, North Carolina