MJW YOUR FRIENDS AT “THE PRESCRIPTION STORE” OWEN’S PHARMACY. Phone 202. WALGREEN AGENCY BUILDING HOSPITAL Additional contributions have been received by St. Luke’s Hos pital for its Building Fund, from the following: Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Shaffer, Miss Mary Ethel Young, Mr. and Mrs. Cary L. Page, Miss May Morse, Dr. W. T. Head, Miss Mary G. Beach, Mrs. David C. W. Char ters, Mrs. Margaret K. Rogan, Arthur W. Britton, Mr. and Mrs. Ernst Mahler Jr., Mrs. Baxter Haynes, Owen’s Pharmacy, R. B. Tripp, Robert S. Marx, Rev. H. A. Pruyn, Mrs. Willis E. Parsons, Miss Susan H. James, Mrs. An drew M. Law, Miss Helen L. Kitt redge, Mrs.- J. S. Blackwell, Arthur Farwell, Mr. and Mrs. Dudley C. Smith, Mrs. Violet L. Parish Watson, Mr. and Mrs. George C. Vance. Thursday’s Charlotte Observer had a two column picture of Mrs. C. B. Sweatt shown jumping her mount, “Reno Rose” during the Hunter Trials last Saturday. Photo was made by Hugh B. Norton. Don’t miss Tryon’s BIG SALES EVENT, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. See those Breakfast Room Suites at our store. Only $69.50. Andrews Furniture Co.—Ad vertisement 19, 20. Walter A. Knoop I Real Estate Sales | Res. Phone 311-M FOR SALE: Two Philco Air Conditioning’ Units; only used six weeks. Call Columbus 2273.—Adv c YOUR LIFE INSURANCE NEEDS. . See THEO KERHULAS—your Jefferson Standard Life Insurance Agent in Tryon - Quality —— Watch Repairing FAST SERVICE REASONABLE PRICES GUARANTEED WORK White’s Watch Repair Shop Tryon, N. C. (Next to Andrews Furniture Co.) Coca-Cola Bottling Company Forest City, N. C. PATRONIZE YOUR HOME TOWN MERCHANT! He’s Your Neighbor