MEEJ^YOUR FRIENDS AT “THE PRESCRIPTION STORE” OWEj¥s PHARMACY. Phone 202. WALGREEN AGENCY A REQUEST Those donating food to the Food Sale at the Parish House are re quested to bring the food to the Parish House Friday morning be tween 10 and 12 o’clock. The sale will be held between 2 and 4:30 p. m., Friday and will be conduct ed by St. Agnes Guild. The New York Times a few days ago reported the death of Mrs. Robert Worth Bingham, widow of the former ambassador to Great Britain, who spent a number of winter seasons in Tryon where she occupied the Flynn’s Little Orchard and later the Sam uel Abernathy house in the Hunt ing Country. She was a leader in social and philanthropic activities.’ She is survived by her step-son, Barrv Bingham, publisher of the Louisville. Ky., Courier-Journal and The Times. He was on a trip to the Pacific with former Governor Adlai Stevenson when Mrs. Bing ham passed away. For Kids and Grown-ups—the world’s best entertainment—the Puppet Show—Tryon School Audi torium, Friday, March 27th, two different shows, 2 p. m., and 8 p. m. See them both.—Adv. 24, 25. The BULLETIN, 53 per year in county; $4 per year elsewhere. FOR SALE MODERN HOME — in — Godshaw Hill Section Three bedrooms, dining room, kitchen, garage. Nice big lot. We have many beautiful homes for sale. One of these may be just what you are look ing for. TRYON REAL ESTATE Telephone 9 TRYON, N. C. Delicioust Western T-Bone Steaks and Sea Food Plate SERVED EVERY THURSDAY 6:30 to 8 p. m. OAK HALL HOTEL “The House of Friendship” F '*' Telephone No. 10 Reservations Appreciated