PATRONIZE YOUR HOME TOWN MERCHANT! He’s Your Neighbor BULLETIN 20 YEARS AGO A son, Marion Franklin, born to Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Rhodes of Lynn on the Z-st . . . J. Ellis Pearson, age 53, of Melrose dies. . . . Miss Mary Crapo has been elected president of the Student’s Association of Vassar College, the highest honor that can be given an undergraduate . . . Red Harri son has a lot of old pictures of Tryon in Avant Electric window. There’s Dr. Missildine and B. L. Ballenger with mustaches and one of Melrose Avenue when it was only a trail . . . Town Council passes a rule to prohibit skating on the sidewalk from, the Tryon Motor Co., to T. Ballenger’s gas house (Pierce-Wilson to Burnett’s Gulf) .... Miss Laura Peasley of New York is a guest at Oak Hall .... The Garden Club is trying to conserve the trailing Arbutus by discouraging the pick ing, selling and buying of the spring flower . . . Miss Myrtle Baldwin directs the Tryon High School play “Henry Tells the Truth” . . . The Tryon Christian Endeavor installs the following officers: president, Miss Clara Williams; vice president, John David McGeachy; secretary, Miss Bertha Blackwell; treasurer, Miss Lillian Thompson . . . Laura Sue, five months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Shields dies after a week’s illness of pneumonia . . . George Lott and Cliff Sutter play an exhibition tennis match at the Tryon Country Club . . . Hitlerites to oust Jews in Germany . . . Mrs. Margaret Culkin Banning, a noted author of Duluth, Minn., arrives to make her home for „a while in the C. P. Rogers house at Lynn cote .... THE BULLETIN, 53 per vear in county; $4 per year elsewhere. Try on Theatre Matinees: Tues., Thurs.. at 3 Saturday at 1, Sunday at 2 Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Robt. Taylor, Elizabeth Taylor in “I VANHO E” Also: Selected Cartoon. SATURDAY, ONLY Johnny Mack Brown in "CANYON AMBUSH” and Johnny Weimullsr in "VOODOO TIGER” Also: Cartoon and Serial. SUNDAY and MONDAY Susan Hayward, Charleton Heston —in— ‘THE PRESIDENT’S LADY’ Also: Latest News. LAKE LANIER Drive • In Theatre (Shows Daily—7:00 and 9.00) WEDNESDAY, ONLY Maureen O’Sullivan in “Bonzo Goes to College” Also: Short and Cartoon. THURSDAY and FRIDAY Rita Hayworth, Gleen Ford in “AFFAIR IN TRINIDAD” Also: Woody Woodpecker. SATURDAY, ONLY Gene Autry in “TEXANS NEVER CRY” and Francis Lankford in “PURPLE HEART DIARY” Also: Buggs Bunny.