[Est. 1-31-28] Published Daily Except Saturday and Sunday [5c Per Copy] ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TitYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 THE TPOfll DAILY l!ILLETI\ The World’8 Smallest 5 ily Newspaper. Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol. 26—No. 39 -§ 'ON, N. C. THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1953 Weather Wednesday: High 71, low 47, Rel. Hum. 55. . . . Battle continues in Korea for Old Baldy held Wednesday by 300 Reds. In Raleigh newsmen and lawmakers at war regarding what to let the public know. All elected officers should remember that they are working for the people and any attempt to keep the people^in ig norance of activities concerning their office leads to Hitlerism, gangsterism if it succeeds or to defeat of the candidates when the people wake up at the next elec tion. Just because a man is elected to an office does not mean that he owns it. He has been elected to a position of trust by the people and the people are entitled to know the facts. Otherwise we make a mockery of democracy. Crooked ness thrives in darkness. Evil fears the light. It is no sin to disagree with your best friend or your par ents and other loved ones. Your own soul and your own thinking belongs to you. We love some peo ple in spite of them and most of us pray that other people will do the same toward us. Let’s put the cards on the table in all our public dealings and we will build good will and confidence in one another and in our system of government. . . . . The Rev. Finley Orr, pastor of Lynn Baptist Church and the _Continued on Back Page_ 4-H POULTRY CHAIN PULLETS PLACED Four-H Poultry Chain pullets were placed on Tuesday with the following 4-H boys and girls, through the county agent’s office: Patsy Greenway, Buddy Lewis, Eugene Williams, Ernestine Tay lor, Horace Greenway, Edward Searcy, Geneva Burgess, Russell Burgess, Gerald Collins, Hoyt Champion. One thousand sex-linked pullets are being used in this project from T. N. Wilcox, a local breeder. Mr. Wilcox’s cross is the Barred Plymouth Rock female and Rhode Island Red male. 100 PINTS OF BLOOD Polk County people donated 100 nints of blood Wednesday at the Blood Bank held at the Parish House according’ to an announce ment by Henry H,art, chairman of the Polk County Red Cross chapter. There were 13 others who of fered their blood but were not accepted for health reasons. Four new people were added to the rolls of the gallon club: Mrs. Ben White, Dr. Gordon Graham and Melvin Burns of Tryon, and Mrs. A. D. McMurray of Columbus. Lawrence Johnson at Rotary A. R. Ford will be in charge of the Tryon Rotary Club program Friday at 1 p. m., at Oak Hall hotel and will have as guest speak er, his broker-in-law, Lawrence Johnson of Orchard Park, N. Y.*, who has travelled extensively over the world and will base his talk on his observations.