Collecting Clothing Here For German Refugees A committee of Tryon church women are now collecting- clolthing to be sent to Europe for the thou sands of refugees who have fled the Russian occupied zone to the American occupied zone. These people had to leave all their cloth ing and other belongings except what they had on their bodies. They are desperately in need of useable clothing-. A committee headed by Mrs. E. B. Olson of the Women’s Society of the Congregational Church will be receiving donations every Mon day for the next four Mondays and will ship the clothing to Ber lin. . Those wishing to donate clothing for the women and chil dren may leave packages at the pastor’s study of the Congrega tional Church House on March 30th, April 7, 14, and 21st. Mrs. Olson has already sh’pned one box to Europe and will make other shipments as fast as they are collected. Clothing should be clean and usable. Junior Horse Show Photographs now at THE TACK SHOP Hugh B. Norton PHOTOGRAPHER THE BULLETIN, 53 per year ;n county; $4 per year elsewhere. Mr. ani Mrs. Murray M,^t*en deil, who have been in Sarasota, Fla., expect to arrive in Tryon around April 1 for a visit here. They spent several winters in Tryon. RED BIRD ASSOCIATES EASTER NOVELTIES — which will please everyone. Imported baskets filled and un filled. Fresh shipment of Candies. —Advertisement 26, 27. !in tryon TONIGHT— “One of the most original films ever produced.” —The Churchman ST. MATTHEW PASSION Congregational Auditorium DAILY BULLETINS—5c each. — Licensee — SPARTANBURG U- DRIVE-IT 184 Dunbar Street PATRONIZE YOUR HOME TOWN MERCHANT! H 6 s Your TV 6 i g h b o r