MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT “THE PRESCRIPTION STOi” OWEN’S PHARMACY. Phone 202. WALGREEN AGENCY Begin St. Luke's Hospital Drive for Funds R. H. Brady, Co-Chairman “Hundreds of friends of St. Luke’s Hospital are due for a pleasant surprise tomorrow and Sunday when the annual report of hospital activities reaches them,” writes Graves Taylor, public rela tions director. It is unusually com plete, containing virtually all the important facts related to the institution’s operations for 1952. According to R. H. Brady and Matt O’Shields, co-chairmen of the campaign that opens within a few days, every effort has been made to present a concise picture of happenings in all categories during the year just passed. The reports will go to all per sons who have contributed to the annual campaign in recent years as well as to others in this and Matt O’Sheilds, Co-Chairman neighboring communities. It de tails income from all sources, ex penditures, reports of the chief of staff, board of trustees, adminis trator, treasurer and other related departments including the St. Luke’s Woman’s Auxiliary. Recipients of the annual St. Luke’s Hospital reports are asked to make their contributions by mail in advance of the actual solicitation which wll begin on Monday, April 6th. On that date a solicitors break fast will be held and a community solicitation will be made during the following week. The annual campaign is con ducted to make up the annual operating deficit which is largely due to the heavy load of charity patients hospitalized during the year. RECTOR'S (For 23 Years One of the.South’s Better Cleaners) TELEPHONE No. 203