[Est. 1-31-28] Published Daily Except Saturday and Sunday [5c Per Copy] ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 THE moi DAILY BULLETIN The World’s Smallest daily Newspaper._Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol. 26 No. 46 TRYON, N. C. MONDAY. APRIL 6TH, 1953 Weather Friday: High 73, low 40, Rel. Hum. 46; Saturday high 81, low 41, Rel. Hum. 35; Sunday high 76, low 46, Rel. Hum. 29. . . . Talks on prisoner exchange underway between UN and Reds. . . Easter was perfect here; ideal weather and large church attend ances. Congregational church was filled twice for same service. One at 9:30 and other at 11. Watch The Bulletin dates of important events. Eastern Star meets tonight at 8; Kiwanis Tuesday at 1 p. m. with John Landrum as speaker. Wednesday at 3:30 Demaree Bess, noted journalist, will speak for IpT-^ier Club at Congregational ^e)ch House, public invited. Try off^P.-T. A. meets Thursday ati 3 p. m. half hour earlier. Thurs day and Friday nights at 8 p. m., ine visitor, a movie ol Try on people will be shown at the Con gregational Church House . . The Tryon Steeplechase is to be ad vertised on WBT-V and Col. Saf ford is issuing a call for movie film of the Block House Steeplechase, taken any year. If you have any 16MM movie film of this event notify Col. Safford. . . . Miss Es ther P. Faircloth, Mrs. Kathryn Green, Miss Emma Lou Heaton, Mrs. Katherine Troxler of St. Luke’s Hospital staff attended the Dist. 2 meeting of the State Nurs es Association in Rutherfordton on Thursday. | GYMKHANA RESULTS ! The largest turnout in recent I years witnessed the annual Gym khana Friday at Harmon Field near Tryon. ; More than 12 entries were listed ! in each of the 10 different classes. I The Gymkhana sponsored by the | Tryon Riding & Hunt Club was | managed by George Webster and ; Walter Newman. ' , Frank Duffy of Birmingham, ! Mich., presented an exhibition with his mount “Blue Bonnet”. The exhibition lasted for half an hour in which Mr. Duffy put his mare through many of her tricks and stunts. j Winners in the various classes were as follows with first, second, third and fourth in that order: Class 1, the keg and can race, Frank McGraw, Mary Green, Cally Coburn and Joan Abernathy. Class 2. Frank McGraw, Mary Green, Kitty Kerr and Joan Aber nathy. Class 3. Potato race, Cally Co | burn, V’ctor’a B-uckner, Joan Aber nathy, Bucky Reynolds. Class 4, sack race, Victoria Euc’ ner, Mary Green, Mary West, Arthur Ridley Jr. Class 5, the balloon race, Alfred i age, r raiiK Mcuraw, Cally Co burn Mary Green. C'ass 6. three legged race (on foot), Arthur Ridly Jr., Edward Howard, Alfred Page and Frank McGraw. Class 7, musical chairs. Alfred Page, Timmy Tyler, Dorothy Blackwell and Frank McGraw. Class 8, the mystery class, Bucky Reynolds. Mary Jane Huebner, Frank McGraw, Mary Green. Class 9, the costume class, Jane Conner and Betty Ridley, dressed as Nancy and Daniel Boone; Doro ----Continued on Back Page_