THE TRra DAILY miLLETO The World’s Smallest daily Newspaper Seth M. Vinina. Editor Published Daily Except N [Est. 1-31-28]_•Saturday and Sunday_[5c Per Copy] ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE _AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 Vol. 26—No. CO TRYON, N. C. FRIDAY, APRIL 24TH. 1953 Weather Thursday: High 91, low i 4G; Rel. Hum. 47 . . . Exchange of j prisoners of war continues in | Korea . . . Kent Miller, the noted i trainer of Elkridge will not be j at the Blockhouse Steeplechase ! Saturday as a steward. He had been in 111 races without falling until a few days ago. So he wiil not be able to make the trip . . . did you vote for mayor and com missioners last time? You can’t do it this time, unless you regis tered again last year. There has been a NEW REGISTRATION. Even though you’ve been voting here for 50 years you must regis t again unless you registered for bond election last year. SAT DAY is last day . . . TODAY ic a full day in Tryon with Rotary at 1 p. m., at Oak Hall; Steeple chase Spaghetti Supper at Sunny dale; Men’s Garden Club at 6:30 and Duplicate Bridge Tournament at 7:45 p. m., at Oak Hall; and last performance of Little Thea tre group at the Parish House. Better Living Show in Spartan- j burg Wednesday through Satur- j day .... The Tryon Police De partment has arrested a number of ’teen-age boys for breaking in school, stores and houses. This is the time for parents to check on their children and save them from more serious trouble when they -Continued on Back Page_ STEEPLECHASE RACES SATURDAY AT 2:30 P. M. By Monte Declman. (United Press Correspondent) At the close of the entries for the Block House Steeplechase races to be held Saturday at the Pla mondon course in the Hunting Country, over 50 horses have been entered in the 5 races scheduled 10 start for the day. The races will begin at 2:30 p. m., with the featured race be ing “The Blockhouse.” This race will end the season’s equestrian activities here. “The Blockhouse” race is the covered one of the en tire race card. A member of the Midwest Hunt Race Association, these races are under the sanction of the Hunts Committee of the National Steeple chase and Hunt Association and is sponsored by the Tryon Riding & Hunt Club. Horses from several states in the Union, and one foreign coun try are entered in this year’s races. Some of the nation’s top jockeys, both professional and -Continued on Page Three_ Speaking of Tryon Mountain. Down from Tryon Peak to the West is “Rickshaven,” the former home of Mrs. Ben Ricks, a com fortable home in a wondreful set ting, built more than 40 years ago. where she lived until her death, which the folks up there said was from the “milksick”. Dr. Grady of Tryon said acute indigestion, that never satisfied her neighbors. Mrs. Ricks was a vigorous indi vidual, who drove her own team and on occasions drove the hay rake in the lower field of her place.—C. 0. Hearon in the Spar tanburg Herald.