Jfc Published Daily Except TEst. ^31-28]Saturday and Sunday[5c Per Copy] ENTERED AS SECOND 4.SS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE _AT TRYON, N. 5? JNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 THE Hii 111 DAILY ISlLlffil The 14 nrld’s Smai .5 daily Newspaper. Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol. 26—No. 74 « :RYON, N. C. THURSDAY, MAY 14TH, 1953 | Weather Wednesday: High 87, | low 54, Rel. Hum. 42 . . . The: 1 Texas storm area now claims 98 people dead. Chinese Reds and U. ! N. still debating . . “Pity the Minister” is the Rotary club sub ject for this Friday at Oak Hail hotel at 1 p. m. Thomas J. Hair will be in charge of the program and the Rev. Charles G. Sewall, Presbyterian minister, lecturer and author, will be the speaker. The Farmers Federation Ntews is just of the press featuring Polk Coun ty. The cover has pictures of Pear son’s Fall, a 4-H Club calf and owner, the Hatch Mill and a young rider at the horse show. An edi torial by Associate Editor Jim McClure says, “Everything the people of Polk County do, they do well.” Page after page gives pic tures of Col. William Polk for whom the county was named, the Hound bhow, Mill bprmg school, the Court House at Columbus; Carroll and Ray Feagan and their record producing Jersey cow. The news articles give historical infor mation and the general develop ment of the county in industry, agriculture, commerce, education, tourists, civic activities, etc. The edition was prepared by Editor Robert G. Beard under the title “Poiv County—Enchanting Land ^f Work and Play”, borrowing from H. V. Kaltenborn and Mar garet Culkin Banning. Beta Club Elects Officers Mable Randall, a rising senior, was elected president of the Tryon, High School Beta Club for the coming year at a meeting held on May 12th, at the home of Peggy Harris. Other officers elected were Mel vin Hipps, vice president; Pat Gas ton, secretary and Anne Coving ton, treasurer. Outgoing officers are Glenn Head, president; Ambrose Mills, vice president; Betty Bruce, secretary; Fred Bridgeman, treasurer. FIREMEN HONORED At the bienniel supper given bv Tryon Volunteer Fire Department for a get together meeting with the incoming town officials every two years, held Wednesday night at the Firemen’s Hall, Mayor C. D. Stevens presented offic’al fire man’s badges to Chief Birch Ar ledge, Assistant Chief Marshall Ballew, Captain Wofford Foster, Secretary Frank McFarland and, the following other firemen: W. W. Creasman, Jack Ford, Eb Bi.shor>, Edward Fisher, Clannie Ward, J. W. Taylor, Homer Arledge ,Robert Dedmondt, Woody Hague, Clyde Tharpe, Fred Swann, Clarence Scoggins, Melvin Burns. A num ber of other members were not able to be present. wayne breasman, Edward Wish er and Jack Ford were recognized as members with 25 years or long er membership. 4 Mayor Stevens in nresenting the badges expressed the appre ciation of the town officials and nc the community for the loyal, efficient service th« Volunteer Fire Denartment has given. Special honor and recognition was given to Charley J. Lynch, Cnv*iwverl on Park Ptae