THE [TWIN DAILY BIMETIN ? he \\ orld’s Smallest 1 2 if Newspaper._Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol. 26—No. 87 TI ® N, N. C. TUESDAY, JUNE 2ND, 1953 Published Daily Except fEst, 1-31-28]_Saturday and Sunday_[5c Per Copy] ENTiSHj^D AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE ^AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 Weather Monday: high 94, low 67, Rel. Hum'. 36 . . . The Corona tion is the big news of today. Pic tures of it may be seen over tele vision this afternoon around 5 o’clock and again at 10 o’clock. Oak Hall has invited everyone to see it on their set . . . This is va cation time. Ash|evillq| Cjiltizen Times Sunday had a mail away edition for the benefit of those who wish to send copies to friends. Monte Dedman was the feature writer for Polk County. Every county in Western North Carolina was represented to show its ad vantages as a vacation spot, hotels, lakes, sports, historical atmos sphere, and everything to make the place luring to the vacationers were featured. Polk County is surrounded by all these advan tages . . . Card received by the Curb Reporter from Editor Tal bot Patrick in Beograd-Kalemeg dan, Valuz, Yugoslavia, says, “The people of this country have fought for independence for centries.” Just shows we must always keep up the fight for liberty ... In the article All For St. Luke’s in Mon day’s Bulletin the line “St. Luke’s Hospital Auxiliary has $5,500” should have read “HAS PLEDG ED $5,500”. Pledging is wonder ful, but the money aint in the'bag yet. It’s coming though, becayse when a group of mercy inspired women get behind a thing it goes over ... Louis Edwards Delegate To N. C. Boys State Louis Edwards, son of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Edwards Sr., of Try on, will represent the American Legion as a delegate to Boys State held at Chapel Hill. Louis, a ris ing senior in Tryon High School, was selected by Superintendent Brank Proffitt and the American Legion to represent this area. j Legion Meeting Tonight i The election of officers will be held tonight at the American Le gion meeting at 8 p. m., at the Legion building. Delegates to the state convention will also be se lected. | Coroner’s Jury Selected | For Ball Murder Case Polk County Coroner Otis Dal ton has named the following' men to serve on the Coroner’s Jury to render a verdict in the case of Edward Ball, Tryon Theatre man ager who was murdered Sunday morning, May 25th, between 10 and | 10:30 o’clock: Charles Gosnell, Wesley Gosnell, Cole L. Gosnell, Robert Ford, Bureess Patton and O. M. “Tommy” Thompson. coroner Dalton said that the inquest has been tentatively set for Friday afternoon at 2:30 at the court house in Columbus at which time the jury will render a verdict as to how the victim came to his death. J. L. Rhodes, prominent Tryon political leader, is being held in Columbus jail on two warrants in connection with the case. Local, County and State officers have been investigating the charg , es since May 25th, and observers state that new evidence has been uncovered.