• I'ublished Daily Except ;-281Saturday and Sunday[5c Per Copy] ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT 1RYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH o, 1879 THE TltYlfl DAILY BULLETIN The World’s Smallest daii ' ewspaper. Seth M. Vining, Editor Yol. 26—No. 98 TRYi-g N. C. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17, 1953 ,Miss 1 eg Weather Tuesday: High 76, low j 63, Rel. Hum. 76 . . . The Chinese and South Koreans continue to I fight intensely .... State High- I way Safety Director H. D. Jones 1 has resigned at the reguest of Ed Scheldt, the new State High- i way Commissioner. Mr. Scheidt | plans to take new steps to reduce j the traffic accidents in the state, j He said to newspaper men in Raleigh Tuesday that 460 people j were killed on the highways of | North Carolina last year. A suc cessor to Jones has not been named. Scherdt is a former F. B. I. chief. . . . . One of noteworthy under takings now before the people of this section is the sale of brooms and mats by the Lions Club to help raise money for the benefit of the blind, and those needing glasses People can afford to buv these good brooms and mats and 1 give them to friends as presents. In that way vou will heln a lot of people: the blind, your friends and many others by your Good Samari tan spirit .... Wilton Garrison in Tuesday’s Charlotte Observer c-aid, “Austin Brown of Tryon won the Ruckelshaus Steeplechase at Indianapolis on Bit-Whip Comet, with a new course record of 5:44. . . . . Carroll P. Rogers of Tvvon. was lifted among state leaders calling on Governor W. R. TJm stead Mondav seeking funds for a -Continued on Back Page_ HOSPITAL NEWS New patients include Otis Moore, Mrs. Louise Morton of Tryon and Mrs. Allan Randall, Lynn. Patients discharged: Mrs. Joe L. Flynn, Mrs. J. B. Atkins, Mrs. Albert Cannon and baby daughter. MINORITY RELIGIONS The Rev. Joe Wagner, pastor of the Tryon Presbyterian Church, spoke to the Kiwanis Club Tues day at Oak Hall. Rev. Mr. Wag ner spoke on “Minority Religious Groups In America.” The speaker estimated that there were between 270 and 400 differ ent religious groups in America and that 90 per cent of church members belonged to 24 denomina tions. Rev. Mr. Warner said that the remaining denominations stress some doctrine which they feel is not emphasized enough in the estab lished churches. He then named many of the small religious grouns and told of some of their beliefs. Williami Guthrie of Raleigh was a guest of the club. R. L. Dick was in charge of the program. Exchange For Fathers St. Luke’s Hospital Exchange also has many attract:ve gifts for Father’s Day, according to Mrs. Harkness Smith of the Exchange committee. CORRECTION The bloodmobile will be in Try on and Columbus on June 26th from 12:30 to 6:30 n. m.. instead of the time stated ' in Tuesday’s Bulletin. Donors To Memorial Fund St. Luke’s Hospital has received contributions to the Memorial Fund in memory of Mn. Edmund Wylie and Dr. David Wenstrand.