rEst^31-28] Published Daily Except Saturday and Sunday [5c Per Copy] ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT tryon, n. c. under the act of congress, march 3, 1879 The World’s Smallest pi ' Newspaper. Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol. 26—No. 99 TR'^^.N. C. THURSDAY, JUNE 18. 1953 Weather Wednesday: High 92, low 67, Rel. Hum. 57 . . . Syngman Rhee ordered 14,000 anti-Commu nist prisoners of war freed in an attempt to wreak truce plans. U. N. Prisoner Command begins search for the missing prisoners. . . . 50,000 unarmed workers riot in fight against Communist rule in East Berlin. President Eisen hower says riots indicate general unrest behind the iron curtain . . . Supreme Court Justice Douglas granted an indefinite stay of exe cution to Julius and Ethel Rosen burg, condemned atom spies, but six hours later Chief Justice Vin son called a special session of the high tribunal to review the order. Rep. Don Wheeler (D-Ga.) moved in the House to have Douglas im peached for “high crimes and misdemeanors in office’’ . . . The voice you hear coming from Vera Ellen in “Call Me Madam’’, now showing at the Tryon Theatre, is that of Carol Richards, who is a sister of Dr. George S. Vosburgh of Tryon . . . ROTARY MEETS FRIDAY Dr. J. W. Welborn will be in charge of the Tryon Rotary Club program Friday at 1 p. m. and will have as guests speaker, Dr. H. P. Anderson, pastor of the Landrum First Baptist Church. Ernest Gibbs Appointed As Federal Appraiser Ernest H. Gibbs of Columbus, chairman of the Polk County Re publican Executive Committee, has been appointed Federal Housing Appraiser and will leave soon for | Greensboro for indoctrination, j Mr. Gibbs is giving up his part nership in the Columbus Realty i Co., to his partner, George Mar ting, who will carry on the busi ness. He will also resign as chairman of the County Republican party and as a district officer of the Masonic Lodge. Covington Kiwanis Delegate Archie L. Covington, delegate to the Kiwanis International Con vention, which meets in New York next week, will leave Satur day accompanied by his daughter, j Miss Ann Covington, and Miss Joy Farthing who will visit rele tives. Paul Butler, Dist. Forester Paul Butler Jr., who recently finished his service in the Navy as a lieutenant, junior grade, is now assistant state forester for eight counties in upper South Carolina. Mr. Butler is a graduate in the school of forestry at the University of Georgia. He is making his pre sent headquarters in Spartanburg. People do not have to wait until Lion rings their door bell. Brooms and mats are for sale by a number of Tryon stores who are cooperat ing in this project to help the blind in this county and where ever needed.