rublished Daily Except £EjU(fl^-31-28] Saturday and Sunday_[5c Per Copy] ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE at tryon, n. c. under the act of CONGRESS, MARCH o, 1879 TUG Til'll! DAILY BULLETIN The World's Smalles, ILY Neivspaper. Seth M. Vininy, Editor Vo!. 26—No. 100 3 ~{QN, N. C. FRIDAY, JUNE 19TH,_1953 Weather Thursday: High 91, low 64, Rel. Hum 7.2. The hot days are not so bad when we can get such long cool evenings and mornings when the thermometer drops below 70 . . . Highlights of the world news is centered on the release or escape of 26,000 anti Communist prisoners from United Nations camps in South Korea. The Chinese Communists open new attacks on South Koreans in six places. . . . Large U. S. airplane a globmaster, crashed in Japan Thursday and killed 129 U. S. service men bound for Korea. The plane landed in a rice field and hurst into flames immediately . . . The Rosenbergs get another day of life as Supreme Court gets recess in hearing1 over their case. . . . . The preliminary trial of ,T. L. Rhodes charged in a warrant sworn out by Mrs. Roy Dalton, for assault with a deadly weapon on Mrs. Rhodes, will bo held this af ternoon at 2:30 at Columbus Court House before Magistrate T. A. Gil- ■ liam .... The Hobo Party and picnic supper for the Fellowship group of the Congregational Church will be held at Lake Lanier Tea House this evening. Sunday is Father’s Day and the big event, lecallv will be the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the Land rum First Baptist Church with all day services. About 800 people are expected. . . . HERE FOR WEDDING Among the out of town guests arriving for the wedding of Miss Mary Ann Morris to Mr. Thomas Cookerly on Saturday at 6 p. m., at the Tryon Methodist Church are Mr. Charles Hamilton, Mr. Fr^nk Curren, Mr. Conrad Puck ett, Mr. William- Steele, Miss Cindy Lineberger, Miss Barbara Danis, of Charlotte; Mrs. Thomas Cook erly, mother of the bridegroom of Arcadia, Calif.; Mr. William Daeschner, Mr. Tom Hubbard, Mr. Ralph Backus, and Mr. Ray Bell of Binmingham, Mich.; Mrs. Ohland, Clearwater, Fla. The ceremony will be performed by the Rev H. A. Pruyn, pastor. Flynn At Ft. Belvoir Cadet Ligon B. Flynn, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Flynn, of Tryon, a Junior at N. C. State Col lege of A. & E., is one of 800 ca dets assigned to the 1953 ROTC Engineer Summer Camp at Fort Belvoir, Virginia, for a six week field training course which will continue until 1 August. Cadet Flvnn will undergo Offi cers Training during this period. His leadership ability will be de veloped and he wtll be schooled in fhe fundamentals of the Corps of Engineers. He will receive train ing of the type not readily avail oK'a nt most universities end wil1 include such Corps of Engineer Teaming as th° construction of Heating and fixed bridges, ex plosives and demolitions, camou flage and field fortifications, operation of heavy engineer eqnip merf. road construction and water purification, as well as tactical fic'd problems. At th° eomnletion of this train ing he will be eligible for a com mission as a Second Lieutenant in the United States Army Reserve.