rE-fr; i-3i-28] Published Daily. Except Saturday and Simday_ [5c Per Copy] ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE at tryon, n. c. under the act of congress, march 3, 1879 THE TIM! HAIL! MJLLETI The World's Smal ^ 'daily Newspaper. Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol. 26—No. 103 g iYON, N. C. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 1953 Weather Tuesday: High 90, low j 64, Rel. Hum. 60 . . . United Na- I tions officials and President Rhee | of Korea still at odds over truce j plans. ... A Polish sea captain j leaves his ship' and asks safety of j England .... Members of the I Fire Departments of Tryon, Sa- J luda and Columbus will attend a j district meeting in Rutherfordton today .... The Boy Scout Jam- j horee contingent of the Piedmont j Council composed of Scouts in the Piedmont Area will hold their I pre-jamboree training camp at the Piedmont Scout Camp on Lake Lanier, June 27th and 28th. Par ents of the scouts attending the National Jamboree in California, will hold a conference with the leaders of the Jamboree group on I Sunday at the Piedmont Camp j for final instructions and infornia- : tion concerning Jamboree plans j and date of departure . . . Boy J Scouts at camp on Lake Lanier this week include Troops 4, Crarc erton; 9 Mooresville; 1 McAden ville; 2 Cherrvville; 1 and 3 Tryon; 1 Hardin; 2, 7. 9. 10, 11 Gastonia; 1 Startown; 2 Newton 1 River band; 5 Spindale; 1 Saluda . . . . ; Mrs. Roy Baisden of Salyda, who taught last year in Florida, was awarded the honor of Teacher of the Year in Martin County, Fla., for the 1952-5 5 term. ] Women Golfers Hold Meeting The Women’s Golf Association at the Tryon Country Club held a luncheon meeting Tuesday at the club house. The Greta Cairns Handicap Trophy was awarded to Mrs. Paul Culberson, the 1953 winner, and the runner-up prize to Mrs. Lawrence Bradley. Sterling silver bracelets were also awarded by Mrs. Cairns to prior winners, Mrs. Seth M. Vining for 1951; Mrs. Holland Brady for 1952 and to Mrs. Culberson, 1953 winner. Miss Jane Brown received the low ringer prize for a score of 33. Plans were discussed for the July 4th family picnic supper to be held at the Country Club. Nearly $10,000 Received By Adams-Millis Employees for Summer Vacation Pay Summer vacation pay checks totaling $78,74,9.96 will be deliv ered Friday to 1935 eligible pro duction and maintenance employees of Adams-Millis Corp. plants in Trvon, High Point, and Kerners ville. The summer vacation checks are based on individual earnings for the six months period from Oct. 1, 1952, to April 1, 1953. Employees who have been with the company for five or more years will receive vacation pay amount ing to four per cent of their six months earnings. Those employees with one to five years continuous service will receive two per cent of their earnings for the six months period. Of the total 1935 employees being paid vacat'on pay, 1263 will receive four per cent and 672 will receive two per cent. In the Tryon plant, 136 em Coviivvf’d on Bark Page_