3 TLst. 1-31-28] Published Daily Except Saturday and Sunday [5c Per Copy] entered as second class matter august 20, 1928, at the postoffice AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 THE Tlff'ON RAIL] BULLETIN The World’s Smalh 5 iAily Newspaper. Vol. 26—No 104 Seth M. Vining, Editor Weather Wednesday: High 91, low 62, Rel. Hum. 62. . . The most critical time in^Tryon and Colum bus Friday is that period between 12:30 and 6:30 p. m., when volun teers will go to the Parish House in Tryon or Stearns school in Co lumbus to donate blood to the cause of suffering humanity in our communities as well as to the armed forces and those in need all j over America. It is a swap and | trade system. We donate blood i while we are strong and healthy I with plenty to spare; then when I our loved ones need blood we will draw from the generous supply donated by other patriotic citizens for our benefit .... Carroll P. Rogers has returned from several meetings in the eastern part of the State. He was on the commis s:on meeting at New Bern making f lans for the restoration of Tryorv Palace, and then. at Raleierh for a meeting with the State Stream Sanitation Committee of which he is a member . . . . L. W. Ander son will be in charge of the Tryon Rotary Club program Friday at 1 p. m. at Oak Fall hotel, and will have a banker from Charlotte as guest speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barber of j Tryon are parents of a daughter j born June 25th, at 10:20 a. m. Escapee Caught Near Inman Thursday Morning Polk County Prison Superin tendent Amos D. Foster reported today that Raymond Whitesides who escaped from a work crew near Melrose, in the Picnic Park area on Wednesday, was appre hended early Thursday morning. Whitesides, who is described by the prison official as about 22 years old, was serving a prison sentence of from 6 to 8 years for breaking and entering. The prisoner was caught near In man, S. C., after a dragnet had been stationed throughout the area following the escape. Mr. Foster said that the prisoner’s home was reported to be in Asheville. The prisoner had been sent to the Polk County Prison Camp No. 909, and he escaped from the guards during work in the moun tainous area of Melrose while working on Highway No. 176. FIRE DESTROYS HOME The home of W. L. “Dub” O’Sullivan was completely destroy ed by fire Wednesday morning about 6 on the old Lynn-Columbus load. There are nine children in the family ages 2 to 16, and all their clothing was lost as well as household goods. Mr. O’Sullivan is employed at State Line Texaco Service Station. HOSPITAL NEWS Discharges from St. Lukes Hos pital include Mrs. Joshua Burgess and baby son; Mrs. Grayson Hor ton; James Samuel Walker; Charles Carson. New patients include Mrs. Clyde Pack of Tryon; Eulas Kirkendoll, Try on.