THE TRTOS DAILY BULLETIN The World's Smallest daily Newspaper. Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol. 26—No. 108 TRYON, N. C. WEDNESDAY, JULY 1ST, 1953 [Est. 1-31-28] entered as second _at tryon, n. Published Daily Except Saturday and Sunday[5c Per Copy] CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 Weather Tuesday: high 94, low 68, Rel. Hum. 63; rainfall for June 6.06 inches . . . Polio epidemic in Caldwell county at the foot of the Blue Ridge mountains has reached 67 persons since middle of April. Outside medical agencies: are making plans to help keep the epidemic in check . . . Thousands of farmers in Texas face ruin as drought leaves cotton fields and vegetable farms in dust which is being blown away. The Abilene, ±exas area received some ram Tuesday. The federal government plans to give relief to the stricken areas . . . One hour parking limit begins today on Howard Street from Pierce-Wilson Motor Co. cor ner to the Methodist Church. Trv on is growing and there is room for smaller businesses that will give personal service. Just try to get a radio repaired within a week or want small plumbing or repair work done. There are so many big projects underway claiming the time of those in the business that a little felow with service as his motto could get a business founda tion layed if he practiced his motto ... A number of business houses are also closing Monday as well as Saturday, July 4th. Hundreds of people will be away this weekend and part of next on vacation.". Kiwanians Journey To Yellowstone National Park The Tryon Kiwanis Club travel ed through Yellowstone National Park Tuesday at Oak Hall with I R. M. Schiele, Piedmont Boy Scout ; Executive. Mr. Schiele showed movies that he had taken in Yel lowstone and had scenes of Old Faithful and many of the other gysers seen in Yellowstone, j Guests of the club were Fred i Hosea and Fred Hosea Jr., of Miami; Harry Morgan, New York; Bill Rockhill, Ft. Wayne, Ind.; G. E. Griffin,, Asheville; Dr. Gor don Graham, Tryon. Matt O’Shields was in charge of I the program. Golf Tournament Saturday The annual Fourth of July golf tournament will be held at the Tryon Country Club Saturday. The tournament committee consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Willard, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Craig and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mahler have mapped out plans for an enter taining program of events with prizes for each event. There will be a prize Jor the surprise No. 10 hole (?) in front of the club house. Another for closest to the pin shot on No. 3; another for tee oil irom a peach on a board in a tub of water; et cetera. Pro Ted Fox is expecting1 a large crowd for the day. Reservations for -the picnic supper are being made at the club office, phone 440-W. A small charge is being made for the various events for those who wish to compete for the prizes. Dan Stoudenmire of Florence, S. C., is. visiting his grandparents, | Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Creasman.