THE nm DAILY BULLETIN The World’s Smallest daily Newspaper. Seth M. Vining, Editor Published Daily Except [Est. 1-31-28]Saturday and Sunday[5c Per Copy] ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS matter' AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE _at tryon, n. c. under the act of congress, march 3, 1879 VOI. 36—Ko. lot) TKYON, N. C. THURSDAY, JULY 2ND, 1953 Weather Wednesday: High 95, low 67, Rel. Hum. 57. . . The big thing in most minds at present is the 4th of July Vacation Period. Many industries are closing down for a week or more; some are taking Saturday only, which com bined with Sunday, gives a brief vacation for a short trip. Some are including Friday, while others are making it Monday instead of Fri day, so as to give employees three consecutive days with the least in convenience to the public . . . Po litical unrest and riots an Russian held countries have the Russians alerted for trouble. President iiiisennower thinks the trouble is spreading and will do much to bring about peace . . . Construc tion in Spartanburg fell off about one million dollars for the past six months as compared with the same period last year. U. S. Senate passes bill to give five billion dol lars to aid Allies in war against Communism . . . The public is invited to see the film “Pilgrim age Through Natchez and Roses” at the Columbus court house on Thursdav night at 8. Sioonsored bv the Columbus Garden Club . . . Reservations for the picnic supper Julv 4th at the Tryon Country Club should be made today by tele phoning the Country Club office, 440-W. . . . Members of the Tryon Continued on Back Page_ HOSPITAL NEWS Patients admitted to St. Luke’s Hospital include Mrs. J. D. Wal drop, Tryon and ~,Irs. B. B. Waters Sr., Greer, f^. C. Patients dis charged: Mrs. Charlie White, Co ! lumbus; Mrs. Jesse Foster, Lynn; Mrs. John Bland, Gampobello; Freeman Ashmore and Mrs. Julia Roberson, Landrum; Mrs. David Pace and Mrs. Robert Barber and j daughter of Tryon. COLUMBUS NEWS By Mrs. Edward Staggs. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Spurlin and daughter, Judy of Hawthorne, Fla., are visiting his father, Willie Spurlin. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bridges and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bridges and children of Detroit are spend ing this week with Miss Hattie i Bridges and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Tessener were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Foster at ’Spring field, Tenn. Mr. Tessener and Mr. Foster were in the armv to gether during World War II. Miss Betty Lawter, who under went an appendix operation at St. Luke’s Hospital Saturday I morning is much improved. Mrs. James Shannon Jr., return ed home Sunday after a week’s ; visit with relatives in Charlotte. | Mrs. James Shannon Sr., and daughter, Nancy, accompanied her back for a week’s visit with Mr. and Mrs. James Shannon Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Searcy of Spartanburg visited friends in Columibus Friday. | Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Early of Asheville were week-end guests of Mrs. Charlie Ashley. Women of the Presbyterian | . Continued on Back Page_