THE TRIOS DAILY BULLETIN The World's Smallest daily Newspaper. Seth M. Vining, Editor Published Daily Except TEst. 1-31-28]Saturday and Sunday[5c Per Copy] entered as second class matter august 20, 1928, at the postoffice _at tryon, n. c. under the act of congress, march 3, 1879 Vol. 26—No. 110 TRYON, N. C. FRIDAY, JULY 3RD, 1953 ‘ Weather Thursday: High 95, j low 65, Rel. Hum. 54 . . . Better j weather expected this week-end. i Those who have natural “draws” through shady ravines have not ] felt the heat even on hot days. I There is always a breeze blowing, j Many arguments result over the j differences in temperatures. Many , residents say it is never as hot j at their place as the official weath- i er reports indicate. . . CAUTION: J Police, state and county officials \ are making every effort to • induce j motorists to be more careful in | driving over the 4th of July week- j end. .Pedestrians are also urged to watch their step . . . Sheriff Griffin C. Middleton of Jackson County was shot to death from ambush Thursday in the mountains, when he attempted to arrest Demos Woods, 66, charged with assault on a woman who tried to prevent her husband from accompanying Woods on a trip. Judge Don K. Moore has declared Woods an out law to be shot by any citizen for failure to submit to arrest . . . H. B. Kelly of Hendersonville has been made a director of the Fitst National Bank of Asheville, ac fordine to Chairman Burnham S. Colburn . . . South Koreans mak ing some progress in the war . . . Kilburn Mill at Tryon will be closed next week for Fourth'of -Continued on Back Page_ Francis Kittrell At Rotary Francis Kittrell, son of Mrs. C. W. Kittrell of Tryon, and prom inent engineer and consultant, is speaking today at the Tryon Ro tary Club as the guest of Nelson Jackson II, who has charge of the program. The program starts promptly at 1:30 and President Geo. C. Vance states that the public is invited to hear Mr. Kittrell. Those in terested should he in the lobby of the hotel by 1:20 and be seated in the club room before the speak ing begins in order to avoid in terruption iby late arrivals. Picnic At Country Club Over 50 box suppers have been reserved for the jpicnic supper at the Tryon Country Club July 4th. Other members of the club who did not make reservations may pre pare their own basket meals com plete and sufficient for the num ber in their party and join the group at the club house for the fellowship of the occasion. Miss Elena Garcia is president of the Women’s Golf Association, the group in charge of the supper. Big Day of Golf Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Wil lard, chairmen of the Tryon Coun try Club golf tournament for the Fourth of July, stated Thursday that the all day tournament will Jbe a two-ball mixed foursome \^ith a blind handicap. Golfers may make up their foursome anytime during the day up to 4 p. m. This will enable those who have other plans to play either in the morning or afternoon. Pro Ted Fox stated Friday morning that the weatherman has prom’sed cooler weather and that a large crowd was expected.